Item Filter for Sealed Affix

A One-Shot Cache dropped me a Pair of Boots with a sealed T5 Affix and no Forging Potential!
A Filter Option to Highlight Items like this would be great to have!


This sounds like one of the new Personal items.

In the loot filter two new sections were added, Experimental and Personal. Experimental is for all the experimental affixes that can drop on items after killing an Exiled Mage. Personal is for all the personal affixes that can be on items looted from One-Shot Caches. You’ll want to create a loot filter rule to show or recolour these affixes so that you don’t miss these items that your filter may currently be hiding.

I did this already the Item in Question is not a Personal Affix. In addition I am 100% sure it dropped from the Crossroads One-Shot Cache as i never tried sealing an Affix yet and have not played with other Players.

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Interesting…suppose I’ll have to find and loot all of these One-Shot Caches to see for myself. I was unaware items without Forging Potential (that aren’t Personal items) could drop, and with sealed affixes, from these chests. Sorry for my assumption.

I’ve opened a number of them already and never seen either a sealed affix or an item with 0 FP.

Admittedly this specific case does sound like a bug to me. Though, I’d still like to see if I can replicate it which, based on your response, sounds like it may take many One-Shot Caches for it to possibly happen.

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Apparently I did not read the Patch Notes thoroughly enough. Considering the Possibility this is just a Personal Item without a Personal Affix could imply a Bug.

If this is intentional Behavior having an Option to Filter for sealed Affixes would be needed not to miss those, if it is a Bug a Filter would still be useful for Cases where a Player dropped his Item, but would not be as urgent of an Issue!


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