Issues with lootfilter menu and filters generaly

Im getting issues with my lootfilter that causes the game to go nuts

basicly i set up a filter to not show any white items and it works most of the time
then after playing for some time i no longer see any items drop at all and not even uniques will show up
when i then try to go into the lootfilter menu this happens

  • tutorial comes up even thou ive already done it
  • cannot interact with the tutorial
  • cannot change anything regarding lootfilters
  • dropdown window for my filters is cut of almost completely
  • can no longer close the menu at all
  • tried to interact with npc and inventory stash chest, both instantly dissapeared
  • cannot open ESC menu
  • cannot exit game
  • cannot teleport or use waypoint

so far only solution has been to completely erase all filters ive made so for the time being i cant play with filters

We’re aware of this issue and are looking into this internally. Do you have your log files that you can upload?

Another useful bit of info would be to know if you have any antivirus or other “file scanning” software running in the background.

i dont think so , i had to actually reinstall my OS due to this as it made other software mostly chrome act simularly and only a reinstall would fix it

i couldnt even shut down my pc
i think there might have been something on my pc that made this happen and the issue in game triggered the rest of my pc to start acting up aswell
works fine for now with only some basic programs installed and i even did get 2 stabil sessions ingame without hassle after reinstalling OS

oh and for softwares running in the background while playing i usually only have

  • Discord
  • Razer Synapse
  • Logitech G Hub
  • Chrome
    and i dont use any other antivirus then the windows defender

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