If triggered skills why 5 skill slots?

Bought this game like 1 month ago and poured ~200hrs enjoying it as a Necro.

As I progress I think the game is trying to tell and emphasize one thing :
You are finally going to design a set of FIVE skills to bring into your combat

Through the skill bar, the skill spec tree, and those disappeared minions while I try to switch their skill out of the slot I was told that.

But I found some mechanism conflicting with this design,

  • Is the design intended to have Triggered Skills being triggered properly even they are not on skill bar?

With this you can have 2 skills spec-ed , one triggering another and save 1 slot, this slot can be a movement skill like Transplant from Acolyte and that’s a huge survival boost.

But if yes, why bother 5 skill slots?

  • Aura of Decay still running properly even it is out of skill bar.
    If yes, why minions disappear when I do the same?

Because from my point of view I see AoD and (most) minions do much the same, toggle / summon and left it on the skill bar,.
Why can’t I summon my skeles and switch it to other skills then?

Just want to know if these are the intended designs or not,
in fact the triggering mechanism makes the game more enjoyable, enriching skill combinations and I like it, but found it contradict with the 5 skill slots design.
So can please someone clarify it for me?

Yes. Kinda, depends what’s doing the triggering.

That’s not intended functionality, it’s an example of snapshotting that the devs want to get rid of.

As I understand it, the thing doing the triggering is the thing “doing the work” so it needs to be equipped (either on the skill bar or on your character if its an item). So if you’re using the Smite on throwing hit idols to proc Smite, they need to be on your character to proc Smite but Smite doesn’t need to be on your bar. If a skill is proccing itself, such as Sigils of Hope with the on kill node or Summon Volatile Zombies with the summon on kill node, thpse skills are what’s doing the summoning so the need to be on your skill bar.

Because its the minion skill that’s doi g the summoning so you need to keep it on your bar for it to work.

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