Icon for every single buff

I know we’re in a beta test, ok and I understand.

But I know this is not a impossible task, actually it’s a little simple comparative to other stuff.
And the buff icons helps a lot to understand the char and when the buff spires.
Because some buff we even see any icon, and it’s easy getting lost of buff if you cannot see him.

It’s not that it’s an impossible task, it’s that if every single buff had an icon that section of the screen would be cluttered & you’d have a hell of a task trying to understand moment to moment what you’re being affected by. It would not be clear.

Grim Dawn manages to do this and it mostly works. Often, the issue is not that you need immediate feedback all of the time - having a way to see what you’re affected by when you pause the game is enough. There are quite a lot of passives that trigger effects and it’s not easy to keep track of them or know their visual cues.


At the most basic level I think we lack some consistency in showing the most fundamental buffs. My Wearbear shows everything I’m interested in, dps and defensive. On my Sorcerer I can’t recall any icon that shows me anything useful, though I’d love to se the Aegis proc there so I can bolt out of danger if it goes off.

There is going to be different feelings for different types of player as to how much is too much and how much isn’t enough. Coming from a background of a lot of time in games like WoW raiding with hundreds of additional pieces of information updating through as screen crammed with cooldown timers and procs, or in Grim Dawn where I felt like I had a hand over one eye if Grim Internals wasn’t giving me loads of numbers I cared about.

Is this something that we’ll be getting here? I know addons are promised but wasn’t sure if they were campaign module style like most of the GD mods, or if everything in the UI would be fair game like WoW. I’d vote for a line of aurabars in different colours on the left of my screen, and I’d be very happy to use an addon like that.

I expect lots of people would feel very strongly that it was an optional addon as well :slight_smile:

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We most definitely do not need every single buff to be shown.

I did create a thread recently for more specific suggestions, what buffs should be shown.

I think this would help the devs waaaaaay more than just “we need more buff icons”


That was I’m trying to say.

I’d like it to operate like the loot filter: Let players configure which buffs show and which don’t.

Mike said in one of the streams that the reason they don’t just show every buff is partially to minimize clutter and UI overload, but also because a lot of buffs are just “incidental” when you do something, so it doesn’t necessarily need to show.

That being said, I think defensive procs and big offensive cooldowns are pretty important to show.


i think this is a wonderful idea, also is perfect to check if your build is doing the procs you need to work well.

Maybe some on/off switch you can turn on game config.

Players who hate icons buff just turn off.

Players who like to see, or some specific builds you have to see a specific buff. You can simply turn on

Wanderfull :bulb:


Ok, I Know some people think we don’t needed more icons for buffs or a “buff bar”

Today I’m playing with maelstrom skill and using the healing buff.
Sometimes (always) I can’t see a piece of a shiet on the screen. And I can’t even see if I’m getting healing or not.

Ok, some peoples gonna say “just see your health bar are healing or not.”
I’m think, looking to a health bar in a middle of a thousands of ciclones on the screen it’s not a good idea, and still thinking it’s will be better if it was showing a single icon for that.

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