I thought its a test server

Still it’s diheartening for many players and I get where people came from when they say “Excuse me how many XP I need for 100?”. If there will be lvl 99 base items people will puke all over the place whikle babyrage is getting them. If there are no higher base item classes it’s propably useless to level after 80-90 ish because 100% of whatever, outside of ailment chance maybe, is pretty much totaly useless.
I still think we need some kind of other lategame progression (outside of skills) to make up for the time it takes to get there. like “From 80 to 100 you get 1 freely placeable skillpoint” to make skills lvl 24 if you want to ^^. That’s just a bad and fast thrown out example but there needs to be something because right now the last levels are rather underwhelming to get outside of the people who increase their epeen with it. Just my point of view ^^.
Last thing to keep in mind is the missing endgame content… maybe we get showered in items and xp later on.

As I said, I think that getting to lvl 100 is “unnecessary” (insofar as anything is “necessary” in an aRPG) as far as getting a “complete” build goes, but that’s my point of view. I’m sure others will be of the opinion that you need to hit 100 & get a max roll BIS blessing with 4xt7 affixes on every item slot for a build to be “complete”.

I’ve also put forward a few suggestions for additional progression mechanics after your skills hit lvl 20 to keep things interesting.

To be honest, my highest level hero is 85 and I don’t feel I miss much at that level. I continue playing with her, but I don’t feel a real need for more levels. So I tend to agree.

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I know some people did and I was one of them, sadly there was no response iirc. I’m a fan of different progression systems that all come togheter in the end so you always feel improvement even if it’s slowed down.

That doesn’t mean they might not add something, as you know, they keep quiet until they’re about to launch something. For the most part.

Yeah but even a “We take this into consideration and talk about it” would be nice. EHG is one of the few dev studios I’m okay with getting a “We’ll look into it!” answer because they proofed many times that they do and care. IIRC correctly this was a high traffic thread so any kind of statement, even a “Nah!”, would’ve been nice from my point of view. On the other hand I can keep my hopes up for the future :D.

did you read title?

its a test server its beta no one got 600 hours to hit 100 to just TEST some stuff out

If you’re doing Echoes to level, then you’re doing it wrong.

Echoes --> Arena Keys --> Arena --> Profit.

Echoes are for loot and blessings.

what is your arena at?> 50? ROFL

I am doing Echos to progress the game …arena doesnt give any xp compare to echos

I did, but I think you might be working under a few misunderstandings:

  • Lvl 100 isn’t supposed to be easily or quickly achieved
  • Levelling pace is important & the devs do tweak it from time to time
  • Lvl 100 isn’t even necessary

Arena gives demonstrably more xp, even without the +% xp buffs that you get from timeline stacking, due to the mob density & the mobs all come to you, you don’t need to go running around after them.

Delevel a skill by 1 point. Then, time how long it takes to re-earn that point in any number of Monoliths vs. an Arena run. Arenas are much better for experience and gold, whereas Echoes are more reliable for items due to the chest mechanic (assuming you’re not skipping the trash mobs).

you missed the title of this post its a TEST server and i want to TEST things out i dont care how hard the real game gonna be all i want is to TEST things out . it must be your first time TESTING a game … go on any other PTR and game is made easier to TEST things out not grind 600hrs to just see if it worth it or not… i made a hybrid build and i am desperately missing those 20 points how can you tell me that its not worth it if you dont know cause you couldnt TEST it yourself

I have closed tested games before (Sacred 1 & 2, D3, PoE) & they never increased the rate at which you gained xp during the test. D3 does make it easier to get gear now on it’s PTS servers but they are much shorter duration tests & they need the combinations tested.

Because you’ll already have all your core passives so another 10-20 passive points is about increasing the amount of damage/defence/etc you get, not about unlocking additional things.

That said, I can imagine hybrid builds being more passive points starved than other builds.

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This is a beta not really a PTR. In order for them to understand how the xp curve happens, to know if it’s working as they intend or needs adjusting, they have to have it played at base. once the game is actually released and they want to test new things added then a PTR might be not in line.

So you’re feedback then seems to be you feel the XP advancement is too slow?

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Just want to iterate a little on what Caius stated. I think the confusion is largely around the idea that this is a “test server”. It’s not a test server at all. Saves are stored locally, and they aren’t going to be deleted even at launch. They won’t migrate to the online servers when those go online, but there is no need to treat characters as if they were in a test environment. The game is in beta and early access, but like Caius said, what you’re playing right now isn’t anything like a PTR.


The leveling curve is part of the test. Including gearing at lower levels.

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