I noticed that Crafting has no "normal" Fail outcome

If you propose this, I assume you think it would be good for the game to have this feature.
When we propose new features - or modifications - it’s because we see a benefit for the game.
In this case, I don’t see the benefit. So I’m trying to understand: what would be the benefit of having such potential outcome when crafting?

Again, hard to understand your question, as the benefit is quite obvious. You have another try to improve the item, yet, with higher instability, means you can’t improve it as much as you would have otherwise. It makes for a smoother crafting curve, and allows players to craft on more items than if they get the 99% success Bricked item. The benefit seems pretty clear to me.

Depends how they balance it, they could easily tweak the numbers so that you don’t get any higher than you do at the moment, then you’re still left with the same outcome but with more fail states.

Yup, you got the idea. You can keep using the hundreds of shard in hope that it works, but at more and more tries, it gets harder and harder to get successful. At highest instability it is already akin to fractured. Smoother curve as you say which makes failure less demoralizing.

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Indeed, that was not my question. English is not my language, I may not be clear.
Is it good for the game to have such a feature?

After thinking a while, I’d say no. I think it would just create a bit more frustration. An item with no enhancement and more instability will not be viewed positively by players.
My point of view, of course.

I’d say it create less frustation than current system.

For sure.
And less frustration is frustration.

Right now, if you have a 99% chance of success, you can roll a “100” and brick the item.
Under this new proposal, you gain instability but do not brick the item.
If you have 80% chance of success, and roll 86-100, you still brick the item because you didn’t come within 5% of your target, but if you roll 81-85% (within 5% of success), you gain instability but don’t brick it. It gives the really high success rates a chance to not brick, while only benefiting really low success rates 5% of the time.

I understand your point of view.
It does not change my mind, but we don’t care: it’s a good proposition.

To be honest:
How can you think having the chance to not fracture an item on crafting failure isn’t better than the current state where failure is always a fracture that prevents you from further crafting.

It’s not adding additional odds. Its weakening the actual fracture mechanic.

The problem from my point of view is that a fracture still occurs if you have very bad luck. This would make a fracture early even more frustrating. Yes, it would happen less often but would be even more a kick in the nuts when it happens.

I really dislike the fracture mechanic. I’ve been really unlucky recently, bricking items at a very high success rate. This just sucks. Even more if you get a damaging fracture on an item that would have been nice, else.

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I’m with Raw in that I also dislike the fracture mechanic so anything to help smooth out that crafting process as Zaodon is suggesting is a solid approach. Someway to ultimately reduce frustration without getting too deterministic on the craft.

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An alternaive system would be a kind of entropic randomness like POE’s evasion works.

An item automatically bricks at 100 instability. You can always see it in a progress bar, but the randomness comes from how much instability you add. You always see how far away you are from fracturing so it not really a surprise when it happens but you can be positively surprised if you roll low on the instability added.

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Yeah, this sounds really cool.

In addition to the “fail” that @Zaodon suggested, this could be really cool. Every fail will being you nearer to the 100 instability by adding nothing. So a failure would not brick you item but make it more likely that you might not be able to “complete” your item.

Because I think most people like to win, they don’t like not to lose. But I can be wrong.

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My original idea was to just mitigate the “fractured at 99% success chance” edge cases, while maintaining the existing system.

But I do also like the idea of re-writing the system per this “progress bar” idea, where you approach (visibly) the fracturing point, and can push it or stop. Luck still plays a large role in whether you get good rolls or not. We’d just need a way to create Fractured Crown. :slight_smile:

I believe in time they will add more glyphs of increasing rarity and power to help mitigate some of thee issues. I think unfortunately you are always going to have a very low chance to fracture an item at high success rate but thats the game design they are going for. Hopefully there are systems in place to help you preserve the ultra rare 2 t7 mod perfect base .00001 exalted items that drop… the items you are only going to see once every 6 months you should be able to spend an expensive a very rare glyph to craft on it without being terrified of it failing on your first click.

fracture can still work the same where damaging occurs if you get to 110 and destructive at 125 Numbers subject to change

No risk it, no biscuit is my motto to this crafting system. If you are not willing to break the item you just found then use it as is, nothing is stopping you from doing so. No one is forcing you to open the forge mechanic. You are, you are making that choice. Own up to the responsibility that fractures happen.
I am one that has fractured a 99% before and just laughed it off once Mike explained how the system worked.
As I have said all along is that if the display showed the roll I think a lot of the rage would dissipate.
No more RNG on top of RNG, if you want that go to PoE and slam exalted orbs on rares.

I don’t like the “basic failure” idea in the current crafting system as people already just go until fracture. This addition wouldn’t change that, and given that, it wouldn’t change the outcomes.

It is a good idea in a new crafting system though. I don’t really like the current crafting system.

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