I cannot play offline nor online after BSOD

Today, while playing my PC crashed with BSOD saying PFN_LIST_CORRUPT. I don’t generally get any BSOD and I don’t ever remember getting this one.
I don’t mind one crash, but the game doesn’t work anymore. I can start it up, choose character, create a new one, but when clicking “Enter Game”, nothing happens. This is for offline mode. I reported this using the in-game “Report a bug” option. I didn’t however get any mail confirmation of that.
For online mode, I can technically enter the game, but cannot move my character or really do anything aside from exiting from the menu.

First thing I did is to try and verify the games file using the Steam option to do that and that didn’t help.
After logging in and trying to enter the game a few times again, I uninstalled and installed again the whole game. This also did not help at all.

I have the newest graphic drivers and windows updates installed. Nothing changed in my settings because of the BSOD. I cannot play offline starting the game in neither mode.

Player-prev.log (2.0 MB)

The logs are from after the reinstall. I cannot upload the second logfile, because the forum says there is an error after 100% upload.

Please help.

I managed to solve my problem. I posted the way I fixed it here, cause this guy seems to have the same problem:

Hats off to Mieu in the topic below, who fixed something similar.

The problem for me was that no file that I had, had any error of exception that would suggest it being wrong. Also, just replacing all of the files with .bak versions made my characters playable and the game worked again, but I lost stashed items, stash tabs and all of the crafting materials. I was able to go back to original files that I backed up and get all this stuff back.

Reposting my instruction here as well for those that might need it. I do not take any responsibility for anything going wrong while doing this. It does seems safe though.

  1. On Steam, in properties for Last Epoch, disable the option “Keep games saves in the Steam Cloud for Last Epoch”
  2. Make a copy of your saves folder:
    C:\Users\Your_user_name\AppData\LocalLow\Eleventh Hour Games\Last Epoch\Saves
    Lets refer to this one as the Unchanged Backup folder. Don’t ever change anything in this folder.
  3. Make another copy of the same folder. Lets refer to this one as the Restored Backup folder
  4. In the Restored Backup folder delete all of the files that are NOT .bak files. Then remove the “.bak” extension from the files that are left. For me this left 12 files.
  5. Now move the first file from Restored Backup folder to the original saves folder.
  6. Launch Last Epoch and check if you can play normally. If you can - great! Move to step 9.
  7. If it still doesn’t work, get the original version of the file from Unchanged Backup folder and put it in the original saves folder.
  8. Repeat from step 5 until you check all of the files. If after the last file the game still doesn’t work I’m sorry, I hoped that was it :frowning:
  9. You can enable again the steam cloud saves option. If the game was fixed, you should choose “local save” option when starting the game. If the game wasn’t fixed I guess it doesn’t mater, probably won’t even ask anything.

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