Huge FPS boost?

Hey folks, i recently found a way to basically double my fps in fps intensive fights. The idea is taken from a youtuber/streamer named Dr3adful.

He writes that Last Epoch does not automatically utilize ALL of your computers CPU cores (this is his opinion).
But you can change it manually by going to Steam and then right clicking Last Epoch, going to ”properties” and then under ”launch options” writing


This really had a huge inpact on atleast my gameplay, more than any other fps tweak i’ve seen before.
Let me know how it works for you in fps intensive fights and/or enviroments. If it’s as good as i believe it is, maybe it deserves more attention.

EDIT: Apparently the launch command option may have no real impact whatsoever, or even have some negative consequences. So i guess try on your own risk.

Sadly, it didn’t work for me.
I don’t know if it’s my toaster PC, but the game crashes as soon as I open it, before even reaching login screen.

Edit: after the 5th try, just as I was finishing this post I noticed the game didn’t crash and was running in the background. I seems like it immediately fixed some stutter lags, but feels like everything is taking longer to load, when logging, changing maps, etc. Didn’t notice any major impacts on FPS tho.
I’ll try it some more and see if anything changes.

Yea, maybe it depends on the PC, how many cores you have and so on.

Hi there! After discussing this with the team, it appears that launch option ‘-useallavailablecores’ has no effect on game performance or core use. Last Epoch already utilises multicore processing and no launch options are needed to enable this.

Performance is something the team are always working to improve so please submit in game bug reports when you encounter any issues, letting us know how long you’ve been playing, what build you’re using and if there was a particular Mob, Map or Monolith event type that caused the issue.


Ok. I decided to bring this up, since i experienced an fps improvement in my warlock gameplay. On the other hand, i have not touched the character since April or May, so the team could have just patched optimization tweaks. Or there is some other factor involved.
But as you wrote, the launch option command could be completely irrelevant.