Holy Aura bug

Right now if I activate Holy Aura, when active period ends there is ~2s window where I’m not affected by passive benefits of Holy Aura (and no, I don’t use Concentration node).

Here I have some screenshots demonstrating the issue: imgur screenshots

I rely with resistances on this aura uptime, having it down for ~2s makes it a quite dangerous at the endgame. Not using active benefits of aura is not a solution ofc as active period is there to make use of it.

Happens 100% of the time when active period ends.

Is this using the Faith’s Reward node?

Yes it does (as shown in provided screenshots). But that only increases cooldown for active part, why would it shut off passive part of aura? The only node that does that is Concentration, which disables passive effect during cooldown.

Yeah, this is a known issue with that node. We’re tracking it internally.

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