Help! Cannot pickup items from breakable smash or chest - Also NO sound

Cheers, all :smile: - updated to the latest patch. On game play with any character I cannot pick up an item, gold, etc., and breakable objects (barrels, wood piles, etc.) do NOT visually break. They do, however, disappear on time - only, the items/gold they drop are not collectable.

Additionally, no sounds for this game only.

(trying, in vain, to locate my player logs, etc… I do not even see the folders in the directory. I’m on a Mac 10.15.6)

Thanks for any help on this!

Are the item labels appearing on the ground for the dropped items? Have you tried getting steam to verify your game files?

The item labels are appearing on the ground, yes. I’ve not tried checking game files through Steam. Will try that now.

We included a potential fix for this in 0.7.9d, so please make sure you’ve updated, and upload your log file if the issue persists. Sorry about that!

The issue did persist after the update, so I uninstalled from Steam and re-installed. It persists still. Additionally, now all of my characters and progress are gone and the game crashes (pauses indefinitely) when I try to create a new character. Hitting the “Create Character” button does nothing. This is disheartening. Is there anything else I can do to resolve this?

This is likely the same issue in Help! I can't drop anything! - #16 by btx - according to the logs, a Unity sound library fails to load. This seems to cause trouble for many different actions in the game, all of which seem to depend on a sound being played before the action can complete.

Assuming same problem, then I found that I had half-created characters waiting for me when I re-logged in., and I was unable to do much with them, since I couldn’t select weapons. I guess the only good news is it seems like this bug is affecting several users, so it’s not just you. HOpefully it ends up being something minor (like a bad version of a library, whcih is what dmesg suggests).

Good luck!

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I’m having the same issues, just bought and installed the game. I’m on a MacBook Pro 2020 16’.

Besides no sound at all, and after getting stuck on char creation, I couldn’t apparently pick up items. However, after opening the inventory, they were just getting duped into it. Same thing with gold, couldn’t pick it up from the floor, but it just kept on rising, I was around 90k gold on my lvl 2 char when I left the game. Some enemies didn’t trigger their on-death animation, and others just wouldn’t die.

Hopefully this is an easy fix, I’d really like to try this game, but it is hopelessly broken right now.

Hey everyone. Thanks for your patience! I’ve corrected the issue on our end and we will be releasing a fix in 0.7.9e.

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