Hello, new player here

nope. mastery cannot be changed.

Are you sure? I was able to respec my Falconer to a Marksman by doing a particular quest.

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Something is defenitely not right… :zap::poop:

Does everyone agree Wolcen is bad? I am about ready to try it given this game has driven me away with the punishing cost to respec my skills at late game once they are level 20. I am a build tweaker and experimenter and you simply cannot do that in this game - I hear respecs are more or less free in Wolcen?

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are u kidding me? youre gonna leave just because of that little thingy? but u can respec? just respec and grind untill its max again. wolcen is a total mess and has no loot. the uniques in wolcen suck hard and u can only find rares or reds which is basically rares. nothing else. same 4-5 levels that look the same, no endgame and story only 3 chapters if i remember correct. full of bugs and just plainly boring. played it 1-2 months and got terribly tired of the bugs and no content, now many months later same shit. trust me save your money and stay in last epoch, much better game and its not even finished yet.

It’s his choice, you should probably read the post where he explains it before having a go at him… Even if you disagree with it, that’s your choice, this is his

Wolcen skill system is simple and shallow and you can respec your skills instant without any cost and drawback. So propably this fits exactly your expectations.

I personally don’t think Wolcen is a bad game. Its graphics are impressive, combat feels nice. But the character building lacks depth and diversity. I played through the campaign what really was a lot of fun. After that I had no incentive to play any further.

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Thats why i enjoyed Wolcen Shallow maybe but choice is better than none. This maybe deep but grinding out bad skills over and over for 50 levels isn’t fun either

No i don’t think Wolcen is bad i enjoyed it a lot, it was a lot more casual but the game had better choices earlier and male and female characters which is a big deal to some people.

I’m not sure if the implementation of a female character model in Wolcen is the genre reference. We have discussions here that the fact alone that a female character has a darker background shows the view of devs on females in general.

I do not agree with this. But seeing this reactions I can just imagine the shitstorm if LE implements female models as 60% legs, 30% boobs and 10% rest like Wolcen does.

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I’ve got to admit, those legs do not look good.

Not quite sure what you mean, the females in Wolcen looked fine? and what do you mean darker background on females, does Last Epoch devs have some issues with females, are you saying they are sexist or something else?

That does not look like a particularly normal ratio of legs to total height.

Um yes it does? her arms and body and legs look like right sizes to me.

Hopefully this explains better.

omfriggingod who cares about legs? just play the friggin game like i do^^ i just completed beta, now doing endgame^^ still having fun ingame and really havent found any annoying bugs or so. really feels more complete than wolcen. this is for me seriously better than wolcen, miles ahead.

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Yeah, I know that people have differently proportioned bodies. I have relatively shorter legs, I’m probably an inch or two taller than my wife but her legs are longer than mine (measuring up to where the joint is, not some point designated by fashion/society such as the “inseam”).

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In general anatomy the groin to the feet is the same as the groin to the top of the head. The female anatomy in Wolcen, much like the female Demon Hunter in D3, most definitely have a disproportionate composition.

Not saying either one is better or worse, but one is definitely more common than the other.


I wrote This:

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Honestly still looks fine to me, and i feel the whole convo seems pointless… You guys see what you see and i see what i see, i feel its the bad low camera angle that causes this.