Have Feedback on things you wish you knew starting Last Epoch? Let us know!

Eterra can be an unexpectedly dangerous place with cultists in every corner, and even swarms of bees going on the offensive. With all this danger abound, what are some things you wish you knew as a new player in Last Epoch? Let us know here: https://forms.gle/8Mg9u7e1NJcyDJph9 !


The very first ā€œexampleā€ is literally the most important thing that I wanted to mention:

Shortcuts to in game features - ā€˜G for Guideā€™ or ā€˜F to open the Forgeā€™

Mana regen doesnā€™t scale with maximum mana.

Soā€¦put thatā€¦in the form? :flushed: :man_shrugging:


Or for a less edgy alternative:

ā€œHey, it looks like you might have overlooked part of the OP where they want us to submit through a separate form. The link is at the end of the post.ā€

But thanks anyway. Submitted.

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