Harvests mana regen working as intended? Edit: Error was my bad. Closed

Hi all,

I’ve been playing a while on my Harvester Poison Warlock and and only just noticed that the mana regen in the Harvest tree says that you get mana back “on hit” but when I’m hitting a group of mobs I still only get the mana back as though I’m hitting 1 mob.

Is this working as intended and the description in the skill tree is wrong or should I be generating more mana when I’m attacking AoE?

Many thanks. :hugs:

Would like to know as well as I’m Harvest Lich and would like to know if I need more mana regen lol

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I’ve been playing my poison melee Warlock a bit like Benny Hill until my mana returns. :joy:

I’m not sure what node you might be referring to, sorry.

There’s “Spirit Shards”, which causes you to gain a spirit shard on hit up to a total of 13 shards. When you have 13 shards, your next harvest use consumes all shards to grant more damage, and mana.

So it’s not mana on hit, it’s shards on hit, and at full shards get mana when you use harvest.

There’s also the Chest affix - gain mana when you directly use harvest. That’s not on hit, you only get it once per skill use as it’s “on harvest use”


Sorry but I’ve been a complete idiot!!!
I’ve got it completely around my neck…. Again.
Yes I see the shard system it uses. There’s also a relic which is 5 mana on Harvest use. I got them mixed together and got myself confused! :joy: I am dyslexic so I sometimes make these errors…. Luckily it’s not on the internet for the whole world to see…… :grimacing::+1:

I’ve always been a bit confused on what counts as “on use” when “directly” isn’t specified, as is the case with the Mana Gained when you use Harvest chest affix. Is that just an oversight in the affix description in this case? Should it read “directly” and the Chaos Bolts talent to trigger Harvest would not count?

No idea mate, but I’m going to investigate into it when I reach max level.
Sad news though as I was distracted today, I’ve seemed to have lost my staff!! It was my best bit of gear and I’m still wearing lvl 66 stuff at 95. My staff had about 350% necrotic on it and about 150% poison damage…. Now I have a melee Warlock without a weapon. No idea where it went, isn’t in the forge or the trader. :frowning: :rofl:

I feel like it couldn’t possibly work, because it would be a totally unreasonable amount of mana generation, but I’ll hope anyway.

Aye, I can understand that, but whilst you’re generating mana you’re not pumping dps, so it’s a trade off?

I’d love it if the Warlock had no generation of health or mana at all and instead had to weave it into her attacks somehow, sucking the life force out of the enemy or destroying their bodies! :slight_smile:

Not in the case of Chaos Bolts procing Harvest.

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Oh, I hadn’t realised that! I like the looks of chaos bolt, I have it on my Necromancer but, it’s so inaccurate and tends to drain my mana to quickly, so I only shoot it on my minions to buff them. :joy: