Hardcore die go back to softcore cycle or back to standard?

I’m sorry, but I’m not understanding. I make a new character. I go to the stash and I put a bunch of items in my inventory (not even equipped). I then die.
If you want to prevent moving items from HC to SC, what happens to the items in my inventory? I don’t see a way around that that isn’t messy and prone to issues.

Ah yeah, those are the ones that would either get lost, get pushed into the stash (if there’s room), or move with the character as they currently do. The last one means no change, the other two are something the devs would have to decide how to handle. I’m just noting that making it so that only the equipped items move to SC with the character is possible. That last part is where it would be trickier.

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That’s the decision I made after dieing in HC on my first character at LVL 82. I don’t have the time these days to keep starting again, and I’m still having loads of fun in SC. Only issue is I had some serious bugs occur when transferring over to SC which I’ve reported.

I’m pretty sure the Devs intended on us transferring items across by dieing with them in your inventory on HC. One of the Devs responded to my email saying that I could do this to transfer items across. Was a tedious process but I’ve now successfully transferred all of my stash items over to SC.