Harbingers are not spawning for me

I cannot progress further i completed 25 timelines at corruption 200+ and I never got a 2nd harbinger spawn. I have the crest active at every boss fight. I am at the Harbinger of ruin : Part 3 quest. Please help is this normal? Or am I missing something?

Faction progress 0? If so, try returning to monoliths 90 and killing the three bosses there.

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Like Microniko said, if your faction progress was reset to 0 before the 1.1.6 patch - try going back and defeating the Bosses of the level 90 Normal Monoliths.

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Thanks, this seems to solve my issue, I did the 3 bosses on lvl 90 and now on lvl 100 and the Harbingers are spawning now, I wish I knew this 1 week ago

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