Hammer Throw stops spawning hammers, patch 0.7.8F

I am experiencing a bug quite regularly where hammer throw stops spawning hammers.
I cast the skill, it plays the animation, it consumes the mana but no hammers spawn at all, and as a result it does no damage at all.

It happens randomly, it just starts and then it’ll fix itself after a while. It’s even happened to me while standing around in a hub talking to vendors.

I caught it on video, can share if it’ll help.

Yeah, there are some areas where hammers don’t spawn:

Also happened to me when skilled Disintegrating Aura. Also the passive with thrown axe on sentinel tree started procing without having it set again when skilled the aura node, maybe i should report it as separate bug.

If you aren’t getting hammers thrown anywhere with the disintegrating aura node then that would be a new bug. If you’re only having issues in specific areas then that’s most likely an issue with the area you’re in.

Edit: Regarding the throwing axe, there’s a pair of unique gloves (Riverband Grasp) that also gives you a % chance to throw axes.

Yea its the 2nd case, so i want to confirm the bug existence, its just annoying for my current build

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