Guaranteed Unique of choice Treasure chest before Monolith

I have a suggestion to give a treasure chest as a reward to the player before they enter into Monolith :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:, these chests will allow you to choose any 3 unique items as a guaranteed reward for you before entering Monolith. Players can use this to drop any build enabling/BiS uniques for their build such as Twisted Heart of Uhkeiros, Ravenous Void, Eye of Reen, Talons of Valor, Omnis, etc. :grin: :grin:

This change would be done to remove the burden of optimal on CoF players feeling like they needed to level up MG and buy their required unique items in order to play their build effectively. :wink: :100: :love_you_gesture:


:rofl: :roll_eyes: :rofl:


The answer to that is:

You don’t even need to ask around, it’s self explanatory.
‘Get the best Unique in game which usually needs 50+ hours to farm!’ as a reward to enter Monoliths?

Nope :rofl:

What’s the reason for posting this?
It looks like you are satirizing something but I can’t make out what.

I believe they’re satirizing the nearly endless stream of whining by Diablo refugees about incredible loot not being constantly ejaculated onto them as they skip through a field of daisies.

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I take 2 x red rings of a… I can’t remember names well.
And a unique double cheeseburger.

It’s a bad idea, sorry.

If it is too much to get such items for free then maybe it can have a small gold cost associated to it.
6500 G for any unique of your choice
7250 G for any unique of your choice with 2LP
