Gamescom 2023, who will be there?

So in other words, on Sept 7 there will be Runemaster and all the other classes will all be gathered at the bar wondering why they’re stuck here. (i’m kidding, of course.) :rofl: :joy: :star_struck:

That Flame Rush skill looks intriguing.

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Exactly. Runemaster coming in hot and deletes every mastery from the game. Poor tempest strike shamans…

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Nah just LE, although I did get to attend a pretty sweet D4 party last night and meet some really cool people.

I am going with my oldest son today. Only got “evening” tickets for after 16:00 though. Where is the booth at and will some of you still be there?

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Yes, the booth will still be open. I’m not sure who will be there but it is likely Steve, Lizard, McFluffin, Karv and possibly some others. I just left to prep for an interview tonight.

Edit: I expect you’ve already found it by now but if you haven’t, head to hall 10.1, row B, all the way to the back, across from the Focus movie theatre.


Thank you EHG for the desk mat and @LizardIRL, @McFluffin and @ActionRPG for your signatures. Was fun chatting with you.
And my son is hooked as well:


Nice!!! Start 'em in young. LE has always said they want to be around a long time. Would be cool to check back in with your son in 20 years. :smiley:


Dude it was awesome meeting you and your son! I really enjoyed our conversation and couldn’t have been happier to sign your desk mat and get your son one as well <3


Closing thoughts for me regarding Gamescom:
Everybody, including Fans, EHG staff and well known community members are really amazing.

Everybody was exactly like they are on stream or the forums/discord.

Was great meetings everybody!

Hopefully EHG can repeat this in the future. (hopefully bringing even more EHG people to meet)


Was great to meet you too heavy. I had so much fun at the convention and the people are what was the highlight of the trip for me.


Did @Heavy show you any of his proper German beer?


I have learned that the term “proper German beer” means very different things across Germany. It’s very cool and I was thrilled to be able to experience the culture from some locals like Heavy.


Well i hope Heavy only praised and recommended bavarian beer, otherwise we both have a problem, Heavy :wink:


I learned how contentious each region holds their beer above the others so I kept things intentionally vague haha.