Frustration regarding the new Woven Flesh unique and how it trivializes midgame GB

Two I can think of are Fiery Dragon Shoes procing fire trail when critical and the bigger one being Spellblade passive giving a nice offense/defense buff when crit.

Good things to test with capped crit avoidance then, to see if it just sets the crit multi to zero (you still take the crit but with zero extra damage) or means you can’t be crit.

I’m relative sure that it affects the chance to get a crit and has nothing to do with the multiplier.

I like this item# because it offers build diversity.

Regarding mandatory stats: If you remove GB in result another stat would take its place. Theres always something mandatory.

If you wanna build properly, everything is mandatory in LE anyway.
There will always be mandatory stats to get, or a “best” way to gear a build.
I am with you on this one sir.

I get the idea behind the armor, maybe reducing the 85% to 60% or 50% would make the gearing easy, without making it free.

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