Fire Tornado no ignites

Playing on GFN so getting logs and screen shots is a bit more difficult.

I went fire tornado > igniting swirl > inferno (maxed out 4 points 200% frequency) ; training dummy never gets ignite debuff.

I added “charged storm” and the lightning strikes did ignite; removed the point and then all ignites stopped.

I ran a monoliths just to see if it was a training dummy issue; with no other triggered spells or manual casting enemies are not ignited ever.

The training dummy isn’t an enemy so won’t be affected by any skill nodes that require/refer to enemies.

yes - tested it in monoliths as well. with two junky weapons; one with ignite chance and then one without. with only using tornado no enemies were ever showing as ignited.

I’ll try to get OSB installed to get a recording

I’ve reproduced the issue and made a note of it internally. Thanks for the report!

I have an update - after further testing the nodes DO work - however the AoE to proc them is impossibly small!

I had to stand INSIDE the spire model to get the ignites to proc: video here: LE Tornado ignite range - YouTube

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