Feedback on Moderation Policies and Actions

I agree. That was not my point. My point is that when people are disagreeing because they’re misunderstanding your point, you want to clarify that misunderstanding.

Extreme released the album a few years before the show, though :wink:

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TBF, from the context (a game forum), I thought you meant MB Extreme.

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That’s hilarious. I don’t even know that channel, but it’s funny :laughing:

‘Understanding is a three-edged sword’ was it, if I recall correctly.

A triangle is a triangle or not, and a circle a circle or not, independent of the experience of the human mind. There are clearly defined rules that can be independently measured, even by a machine designed to do the task.

What is not objective is wether a person prefers circles or triangles.

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Not according to Descartes :stuck_out_tongue:

Also, topology sheds some doubt into that. As well as quantum physics.

EDIT: had to fix the name of the mathematical theory, so I don’t sound (even more) like a dumbass. :joy:

At least truth was in there somewhere, even if it was at the end rather than the beginning.

But who determins what is a triangle or a circle? A triangle is not a fundamental part of the universe, nor is a circle. Can you even prove that the universe itself exists without a mind to observe it?

The first time it was mentioned when Talia Winters was hired by the Vorlons to overlook “negotiations”.

It was later Sheridan who repeated the Vorlon saying and gave a statement. “Your side, my side, and the truth… something along those lines.”

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Yeah, Sheridan shouting it at Kosh was the one I was thinking of.

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