Feedback on 8.2

and 2x2 idols have been nerfed in 0.8.2 patch for that reason

That was still unwarranted, but let’s compare. I lost a total of 60% damage on ele nova and 72% on lightning blast with that nerf. It’s considerable, but let’s look at the difference if I had lost 2 entire idols. 300% on ele nova and 380% on lightning blast. It still wouldn’t be game breaking, but it would definitly been felt quite harshly.

I didn’t mean the idol stats are set in stone. They are definitely will be further tuned by the devs. But the new idol layout as a whole is ok. At least it is better than the previous one which allowed much less diversity.

I would argue it doesn’t adds more diversity, you’ll be just picking up smaller idols that give the the same kind of bonus but smaller. It’s just a big loss of damage overall.

If you want diversity you need to make idols do other things that synergise with your build but at the same time having one is enough. For example in my minion build I have a single idol that provides marked for death on minion. I only ever need a single one but it’s great to have. Let’s say I had a 2x1 that provided frailty on minion hit. I would also want one then.

The better form is to provide very different and synergistic bonus instead of what almost always ends up being as the onlky good solution, more damage on both mods if possible and if not then one mod is kind of whatever.

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and picking many types of idols (small, medium, large) is not diversity over choosing 4 identical idols?

No, because diversity is not an idol size but what it does. If I had to pick between a 2x1 that does 10% damage or a 1x1 that does 3% damage. Would you call it diversity? You are still picking up just a straight damage percentage increase, one just provides a better bonus than the other in consideration to space occupied.

Diversity is when it does different things like I gave an example. Doing the same to a better or worse degree is not diversity.

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In my book using more different idols is more diversity than using 4 of one size. If it is not for you then I can’t do anything here :smiley: Again we don’t talk idol stats here. Only the new idol layout. As to stats I may agree with you

I think it’s a valid point that if they want to improve the usage of the smaller idols then they should have more more interesting modifiers. Make is want to use the smaller idols because they do interesting things rather than because we “have to” to fill up the blank slots. I think the 1x1 idols being generic is ok since they are useful to add hp or resists and can go in anywhere.

You both have valid points about “idol diversity”. Using more differently sized idols *is *“more diverse”, but using more idols that do different things is also “more diverse”. I think the thing to be avoided is when a player decides to use a single size of idol with the same affixes because that’s the “most optimal”. I think the change in shape of the idol thing is a good step in the right direction. IMO what needs to be done next is to add other affixes on the smaller (3 slot and 2 slot) idols.


Your game will be great when the full version is released! Can you add more detail on the maps? Also, it would be cool to search through corpses on the ground, some boulders etc. People this is h’n’s!

Its easier now since the overall damage that bosses do got nerfed from the original monolith patch!

Not to mention, everyone has waaay more practice now (and there is waaaay more broken builds to do soo haha)!

So you’ll do it then?

if you want me to, yes.

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They freak out to get the ones that are not wholly invested into the build to jump ship so the market will tank and then once word gets out that it is still uber meta-meta build then the rest of the r/ goes nuts. There are several exploiters that manipulated PoE’s market like that.

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