Faction rep/lvl problem

My Rep/lvl of cof/mg didnt transfered after the cycle end with the problem i cant use my mg/cof items to my legacy characters check it plz and also if any have same problem…!

PSA for Now Legacy Characters: Your Faction Reputation and Stash Isn’t Missing

I was during the cycle about lvl 9 rank of MG now i am lvl 1 in legacy MY items is useless Cause they are Higher MG lvl

Did you even read the post I linked? It tells you how to get it all back.


sorry my bad i didnt saw a post :confused: ty

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Merge buttom seems not working on my stash my 1.0 items they are in diff stash than legacy

Merge will only transfer gold, crafting materials and faction rank. Your gear has to be moved manually and you need to buy new stash tabs for legacy as well.

ty for reply

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