Explain gear vs character stats

I’m only 5 or 6 hours in and was trying to build up my mana regen as a sorc. Had gear with 25% mana regen another with 12% mana regen. But when I check my character stats the regen is only 12. Is there some kind of averaging going on with the gear?

The stats on your gear are likely increased mana regen. This is a relative value to your base mana regen, not a percentage of your overall mana returned to you per second.

You have (base + added1 + added2) * (1+increasedValue1 + increasedValue2) * (1+moreValue1) * (1+moreValue2)

So for your mana regen, you had 37% increased mana regen that totaled to 12.


Thanks! Hopefully I will have a better understanding of the stats and gear as I progress. This helps

The in-game game guide (G by default) is a good place to start.


Thanks. Will check this out tonight for sure.

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