Erasing Strike Void Rifts

I read in some post that the ‘void rift’ is just a brief flash of puple concentric waves, but I can’t see it at all. For me it seems that the ability just smashes an AoE and that’s it. Even if several mobs die from it, I can’t see any other effect. If it’s indeed there, it certainly is too brief and too hard to notice.

Another post mentioned that it was adjusted to be more visible, but unless I am torally missing something, it’s just not visible or not present at all.

I agree the void rifts are very hard to see. I’ll make a note of it. Thanks!

They need to be eye-gougingly pink like that bug that replaced all fireballs with pink.

Ooh, a dev agrees with me!
This might be a good moment to come up with a wish list :smile:

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