Elemental damage with all skills

I think it would be nice to add Lightning, Fire, or Cold to any build skill. I see it only adds damage if the skill is same as elemental type. Like: ( add cold damage only works for cold branded skills). be cool to add cold, fire, lightning damage to any skill.

I’m not sure what you’re saying. Any added damage is added to the relevant skills. If you have an +10 Melee fire damage affix, and you use Mana Strike, it deals its base damage and 10 melee fire damage.

I mean i tried to make a warpath/cold build to freeze and shatter. but cold would not take because warpath is not a cold skill. so no cold damage never hit even if i added cold to weapon or anything. unless i was bugged i guess

Any added melee damage will work with Warpath.
Also all ailments you have on gear will work with any damage type (like chill for example)

But to be able to freeze you do need a skill that has a base freeze rate (which are usually skills that are a cold skill baseline or have a cold conversion)

I personally would not want too many conversions for all kind of differetn skills, sicne i really like that LE has a very strong calss identify and theme.
Sentinel is Physical, Fire and Void, with very minor Lightning Stuff.

Cold is more a Primalist and Mage thing

ok I see. yeah its all good. just could not figure out why all classes but sentinel could freeze. but makes since its a mostly phy build.

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