Druid forms bug dump

Hi there. I tested a ton of stuff with the new forms, and I noticed several bugs.

  • Garden of Rage (spriggan) works on mana in human form. It leads to infinite mana: Garden of rage Earthquake - YouTube
  • Summon vine from Fury Leap is not a free skill unlike the spriggan skill, but costs 20mana.
  • Skills supposed to affecting Vines from Spriggan just don’t. Be it Warrior’s Entrance (Fury Leap), or Wild command (werebear). Frost claw (from warcry) may be also included, but i’m not as certain for it. Easy to check for the first two, the character sheet (minion tab) just doesn’t change after using one of these skills. On the other hand, Entangling roots minion buffs, be it Blooming magic or frenzying thorns, is working properly
  • Maybe intended, but still sucks: Rise and Poisonous tickets (Fury leap) are summoning 3 vines each. If used with Great Vine, you are punished twice: You are summoning only one Vine instead of 3 (working as intended) AND you have to get 3 procs to get a single vine. While a fury leap summons 6 vines per use without Great Vine, you get 0,67 great vine per cast with the node instead (9 times less). Maybe change the fury leap nodes to guarantee a great vine each time? The great vine is also dying extremely quickly (so you can’t have more than one for some reasons) with this combo.
  • Bloodlust Swarm is also plainly not working so far, at least damage wise.
  • If you get poison chance on serpent strike (Nagasa Venom, for instance), and you get Frost Bites (in Swarmblade), you will still poison, while Frost bites mention “all sources”. I also sincerely hope (since we can’t test for now), that Fester and Nagasa poison will increase Frostbite duration, as Frost Bites does mention that everything supposed to apply to poison (so fester and nagasa poison) is applying on frostbite instead.

For the 4th point, the Great Vine node states that it will only cast a Vine on every 3rd indirect cast.

Thanks for the reports!

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