Drop prophecies only AFTER Harbinger

Can you please, please, PLEASE change the drop of prophecies for bosses in combination with harbingers? It is not the first time that I fulfilled prophecies for killing bosses, i cannot collect all loot before harbinger spawns, harbinger kills me and the loot is lost.

Yes, I know that I can disable the Harbinger prior to boss fight. But this is such a hard nerf for CoF characters… you can either do prophecies safe. But then you have to redo the whole stability for a harbinger. OR you do the boss and the harbinger but then risk to loose not only the boss loot but also the prophecy loot thanks to harbinger…

How could this be realized? Easy. When you have enabled harbinger and killed the boss, the harbinger does not spawn until you accept the spawn, e.g. via confirmation box. This gives enouth time to collect loot.


total agree

There’s this other thread requesting the exact same thing.
It’s 2 months old, and has 22 votes on it.
Maybe you should join and voice your opinions there, instead of making another thread.
It’s always better promoting a thread with lots of votes instead of creating new ones and scatter the votes around.


Yes, but that requires searching.