Depths of Eterra Update (0.8.5) - Coming March 18th

Hi Bemsmann83, welcome to the community!

We don’t have a timeline on localization just yet. We also haven’t announced which languages will be first. We do know that we have a surprisingly high German population of players though so that is a good sign for you at least.

Any news on the new classes, they havent been mentioned in a long time

Game desperately needs new skills and thus classes with a new skill trees not as much new areas or people to play with imo

The patch is near. OK, I’m sitting at my desk, controller in hand. Won’t move till then.

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Nope. 10 chars

Looking forward to the dungeon reveals, hopefully not as boring as the first one. :+1:

If you need help, pm me.
Together with some friends and experienced players we are running a german discord server helping people with translation, organizing events, building up a big and friendly community, especially for new players getting into this game.

Looking forward to the Patch! Glad to come back after a crazy good gaming february.

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Great news! Can’t wait to try out the new patch!

It’s so good looking, im so happy game is getting new content in dungeons as well as in items. Keep going this way and give us more info about multi guys <3

What’s the name of lightning skill in the Soulfire Bastion clip?

The lightning conversion (Galvanise) of Firebrand with the node that adds 2 additional lines (Triple Strike).

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That’s another problem that some of cool skill effects are gated. If you see ‘Galvanize’ in the Firebrand skill tree it doesn’t tell you anything how would that look like. If only we coud have the possibilty to preview such skill nodes in action.

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Happy Belated Birthday Traveler!

Absolutely infinitely awesome idea.

(post deleted by author)

There are more quests which grant idol slots and passive slots than you can obtain in total. So you do not need to complete every idol/passive reward quest in order to get all of them. However, you will still need to obtain these from quests, so if you skip too much, you may need to revisit quests to collect your rewards.

This also helps make things smoother for multiplayer, where you may join someone further along, and end up missing a few quests, so you can still potentially obtain all of your idols/passives joining someone further along.

Looks good to have multiple ways to reach endgame, either doing the campaign all over again or leveling through dungeons / early monoliths.

There are now more choices with different gameplay experiences while you build & level your character in the early stages.

The one thing i miss in PoE. It’s not like the story takes that long but is boring AF after doing it the 1000th time.

Also the new showcased Sentinel and Primalist armor sets look cool. Very fitting for their class and probably still good enough to compete with cosmetic MTX in the future.

Hi, what time will the update available tomorrow?
Thank you an have a gg

I am pretty sure the release time will be reveal today in the patch notes, that how it was the last major patches too.

Thx a lot!!!