Definitive Critical Strike Chance Formulae

Has already been established.

No. Crit chance is capped at 100%, Crit Avoidance is also effectively capped at 100% since CA is a multiplicative modifier to the final crit chance, so at 100% crit avoidance you can never be crit ever because 100% crit avoidance mutliplies the attacker’s chance to crit by 0.

The flat crit chance from crit vulnerability is nit affected by your % increased/more crit multipliers but it is still affected by the defender’s crit avoidance because crit avoidance is the last term in the “has the target been crit” calculation.


All of this is much too technical and smart for me lol. I will instead direct people into the comments of this post if they need to factor in critical vulnerability and enemy crit avoidance. Thank you and everyone else who weighed in on this! <3