Death penalty

Not that I enjoy playing devil’s advocate, but the devs have previously said that they want to add a death penalty…

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It will be divided more when seasons start.

Awesome thank you! Really happy to hear that the devs seem to be on the same page as me!

Technically, they said that before they implemented the Mono reward loss…

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I’m not sure it’s the general consensus that we want a death penalty anymore. Some do, but we don’t have an official stanse on it. Since those thoughts in old posts we have introduced the loss of potential rewards in the monolith, which kind of acts like a death penalty, without being too punishing. It is very unlikely we’ll introduce an exp death penalty.
There might be something we can do in he campaign, but in general people don’t like dying as you’re set back a bit to a previous checkpoint or have to start over a boss fight.


Having a harsher death penalty ruins the sense of experimentation and guarantees that people will only try the OP builds that have already been proven instead of trying various skills and providing feedback as to what works and why the other things don’t work. Think of the outcries early in the patch when various builds got nerfed too hard, and builds that used to be able to breeze through content now have a larger struggle. Add a larger death penalty, and you get a really enraged player base who simply stops playing.

This idea sounds especially ludicrous when LE is a game based off difficult timeline boss battles. I think I died 6-7 times trying Empowered Herot for the first time - I had a hard time finding the various attack patterns and finding ways to avoid the biggest damage dealers. Trying a boss like that with a harsh XP penalty? I would have given up on the game on the first try. Instead, I tried multiple times and found a way to defeat the boss.


This is an amazingly good point.

Then I at least hope, that each new game mode beyond MoF and Arena will have it’s own death penalty, that really fits the game mode.

I like the idea of having different penalties in different game modes/systems


I could get behind that. Options are always a good thing. While community splitting isn’t a concern of mine (I play ARPGs alone), options that avoid that are even better.

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Losing my reward chest and timeline stability in the monolith are enough of a death penalty for me, since they equate to loss of opportunity (equipment I wanted) and time (need to run an extra node to restore stability).
If additional death penalties are implemented in the game, I would prefer them to be specific to the endgame mode you are playing as part of their design.

Many things have already been mentioned here in terms of “pro & contra”.

How about alternative penalties?

a) The player who just died loses xx% of his total gold supply in the chest.

b) The player who just died will not receive any more experience points for xxx minutes. [So at least he doesn’t lose anything].

c) The just died player loses “randomly” a single one of his skill points distributed in his active skills, he then has to level it up again as usual.

d) The just died player loses “randomly” one of his skill points distributed in his passive skill trees, he has to reactivate it with gold afterwards.

e) The just died player loses his equipment on the spot, but he can run there again and take his equipment (Diablo 2 says hello).

Combinations (and more) are also conceivable.

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a) bad idea - there will be plenty of gold after some time and there is probability near certainty that you die no mather what you are doing with increasing play time

b) stay AFK in town - solved

c) bad idea - what will you do if you randomly loss build defining skill point

d) better than c) as gold sink but you have to keep some gold in case of random death

e) this is feature that I hate most in D2

First of all:
These are all just suggestions for discussion, so always breathe easily through your underpants.

Here you contradict yourself.

Could also apply only in combat or monster contact. Be creative for once!
→ You can also do that with the “bumming around in the city” if you don’t see that as a punishment [and maybe several times a day].

Yes, you just had bad luck once, that’s why it’s random.

And we liked that very much, was always exciting for the friends to pull the cart out of the mud!

I forgot to write a) bad idea with % - …

You quite yourself in rest of post so have a nice monolog :wink:

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