Damage checks are bad game design

Damage checks and other Gatekeeper type mechanics are bad game design. If I can play smart enough but with lower damage from maybe not being optimized enough for a given level then I should still be able to pass a particular “gate” if I can stay alive long enough and deal enough damage over time. Artificial mechanics to keep me at a certain point till I jump through your stupid “hoop” is well… stupid!

I agree. I’m really glad LE doesn’t have those.

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I disagree. Whether intentional or not I think they are there. The Ransacked Camp for instance.

What about it? It’s just a normal encounter… I did it on my Reflect build. Took me about 25 minutes to finish. (Reflect builds have almost no DPS at all)

It’s a tough line to walk as a dev, to not make your game to easy, but also not too hard, while keeping all the game systems relevant.

I generally like that combat and most challenges in LE are mostly very skill based and if you play very clever you can overcome most challenges, even with a “bad build”, like low dps etc.

But I think it is also important to keep the loot and progression relevant.

Gear checks, be it dps or defense are something that can be a good thing, if implemented well.
It should not necessary impose a “brick wall” to certain players or builds, but still can serve a very good purpose.

A lot of the bosses in LE are designed in a way, that you can avoid any or most of their incoming attacks, which makes gear almost irrelevant.
I don’t necessarily like, that loot sometimes can feel like, “you don’t really need that” and in the end it’s just to speed up the time you need to kill a particular boss.


Yeah. I think providing examples like this is really helpful. Imho your example is one of the most unbalanced areas in the game. I have some characters that really struggled with the fight at the end.

In the end you will always have gear checks. That’s the nature of RPGs. A core mechanic is building well, finding synergies and equipment that supports your build.

Building a game just around skill is more like building a MOBA. And even there you can come to a point where gear > skill.

I think LE has a very good balance in that regard. If you are good at dodging stuff, you can outplay the enemies.

But I agree with you that the Ransacked Camp is a very rough balanced level and should be adjusted.


hey @ExsiliumUltra I play the game for some time and I don’t know if you are rather new to game and I don’t want to be offensive or anything but to me the whole storyline is just a walk in the park because I know all the mechanics and what gear I need when.

I get it a lot of players might have troubble with the game at certain points or with certain areas. First time I got to the snow area (forgot the name already ^^) when it was released it felt like eating nails until smart me realized more then 0% ice resi might help and things got better.

The same early on without any void resi the first part of the game might be a bit hurting but so far the difficulty of the game went downhill pretty fast and everything is managable without beeing that big of a deal. There are some spikes in difficulty every now and then but I never faced a dps check or a time check on anything here. You can even make socalled 0dps builds that are aimed to facetank the world and beat the game.

I get the part where it seems to be difficult because I’ve been there myself but damage checks? Non I know of.

Which one’s the Ransacked Camp again? One of the Fall of the Outcasts? Having got to the Reing of Dragons mono with an average gear level (not inc weapons) of 7 & near zero resists, I’m not sure there are any gear checks.

I’d be curious to know what the OP’s build was, it’s entirely possible they just chose random skills that don’t complement each other. Gear & skill are part of the equation but so is the build, an OP build can help a lower-skilled player or a lower-geared character get through a tougher encounter.


All the above responses are correct :slight_smile: . In this case having just my minionss doing damage was not enough and I had to switch to using an offensive attack as well.

What exactly was the issue?

The last Quest Objective took too long?

If you only have singletarget or minions randomly attacking mobs, that can take a long time, since that Bone Cairn Quest Objective does spawn adds very very frequently.

Did you try re-directing your minions manually to attack the Bone Carin?

You can press [A] to manually let your minions attack a target.

Right, the Cairn needs to be explicitly targetted with “A” key for minion builds. Otherwise, it will take forever.

The issue is that the bone thing is relatively tanky while the adds can hit really hard. If you have a build that has lower damage you need to constantly quit attacking the bone thing and take care of the adds. The window for doing damage to it can get really small.

Occasionally I have had characters that only struggled with this specific situation when the rest was really smooth.

Yes, same. This echo was a real pain for my first Marksman and my first Sorcerer. Now it’s OK, but this precise echo is more painful than most other quest echoes in the other timelines.

Every attack in the game has some element of AoE to it. All you need to do is walk behind the cairn and swing outward. You’ll hit it + the adds at the same time.

This was a good topic until now. Do you want to support OP with arguments or derail the topic by your needless trolling?


It suprises me what other players might find difficult. None of my characters had any problems with the Ransacked Camp. It just shows how hard it is for the devs to balance this game… for some it would be easy for others - too difficult. But IMO for Monoliths you need a decently geared character. You can’t come with very low dmg and expect it to be a walk in the park. I remember D2 where you had to return to previous zones and even lower difficulty levels to farm better gear.

Hmm: I’m wrestling with this idea…
on the one hand, I think dps checks are necessary and OBLIGATORY in the whole gear-based arpg genre. Without them, there is no value to ANY drop provided you can clear any content with no time limit. On the other hand, I see the value of having the dps checks be considerably low, so that low dps / high tank builds can flourish alongside high dps / low def builds. BUT imo the ONLY way this is possible is if there is just some content that certain builds cannot do and that seems to be OPs (and others) issue with checks in general. I feel like a game like this one cannot possibly function where EVERY BUILD can tackle ALL content available. For example, a huge aoe boss that stomps on minions makes minion builds completely unable to beat it, which is a GOOD thing in my opinion. It encourages build diversity if you want to tackle content that you ran into walls with a previous character. HOWEVER I wouldn’t go the way of…*cough…and plan oodles of content gated behind a ticking clock

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Correct, let me add to the topic

OP: I agree with you the game is full of bad game decisions like the one you mentioned

I had something similar in an older patch, luckily stuff gets fixed after you mention it, regardless of replies

If you have no checks on your progress vis-a-vis skillpoints, stats and gear, then what is the incentive to want progress? LE is already extremely lenient on bossfights, with the vast majority being essentially doable just by moving correctly even with very low dps or bad gear.
But it isn’t Cuphead.

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