Crystal Lotus is stupid OP

Ahh. Random other question: Does the “Prayer” node in Paladin tree trigger on Smite heals?

I would say yes, but it requires confirmation

I customized your build for end-game … :slight_smile:


I was definitely wanting to get hold of a Bastion of Honour shield (though that’s “very rare”, so it’s not going to be easy…) and thought about going with a dagger (more crit chance & attack speed, should get me into the 90s crit chance) & as much endurance as I can get.

And Thorn Slinger (+1 phys skills).

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If I were you, I would try something like this:

BTW: Where exactly did you get the shield?

Personally, I would appreciate a little more windup before he starts doing his stomping attack - right now he does it as soon as he’s onscreen and there’s no pause (that I can tell) before he goes into it. The plant guy who’s in that one optional time rift whose name I can’t recall has a pause and an AOE circle show up when he’s about to do it - I’d love something like that.

This also goes hand in hand with another thread I’ve made about how the Crystal Mines have a bit too long of a runback - I always end up distracted by the time I actually get back to him, and when he initially goes into a high damage move it’s pretty easy for me to flub and die and begin the long runback again.

I didn’t, I have yet to find it (& the belt), I want to say it’s a random drop, but the shield is marked as very rare (like Omnividience) so it’ll be a pain to get.

Then I misunderstood, it sounded like you already had both items and they should be INCLUDED in the build.
→ But since the Last Epoch Tools are fun, that’s ok. :grinning:

You can start mono’s when you complete chapter 4. I usually started around 45, some were as low as 37. If the DPS is enough and the defenses are up to the challenge then go for it. I used complete Fall of the Outcasts before going to Lagon only because of the rapid XP difference.

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