Crutches and Math in LE

Pics or it didn’t happen (not counting minion builds).

IMO, skills shouldn’t require a specific item to not suck. That way lies D3 itemisation.

I play emp monos in t20 gear just fine and was never in need of a crutch outside of build enabeling items if i needed these O.o. Is it easier to play with imba op items? Yes! Is it impossible without them? LoL hell no ^^.

Isn’t that the basic of every loot driven game? More and better loot that makes you go brrrrrrrrr?

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If you don’t add a crutch, nobody will use that skill. So by adding an item that boost a skill, you add +1 build variant.

Not every single skill in this game is meant to be the endgame viable splatter machine.

Yeah. I understand this. This is literally the only message that hides behind the wall of text of the op:

  • please fix/balance skills
  • please fix/balance items


This exactly! What are you guys playing these games for :laughing:

Is that white gear? No? What tier is white gear again?

And @azmodael is talking about special OP imba uber items. What are these items again? Everything alright with you pal? Your smartbuttydom today is a bit on the lower end of the spectrum that’s very suprising. Everyone well and sound?

Is what I was replying to.

Surprisingly no, but never mind…

Ah i was talking about emp(owered) monos in the part you quoted originaly ^^.

Yess fixes and balances are happening, slowly but sure they are. I’m just not happy the way its done.

Instead of fixing skills the approach seems to be “Lets add unique X to make skill Y playable”.

Also with skill trees this big you’d expect to have multiple ways to build every skill. This is not the case for a great number abilities.

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