Critical bug fixes and changes

  • More settings for graphics, particularly lighting, bloom, brightness and contrast. The game’s current bightness settings due not suffice. I personally find the game to look predominately washed out by excessive brightness/bloom and suffer pretty bad eye strain from it.

  • The lack of dynamic shadows in interiors is very obvious and looks very disappointing, especially when you walk past what should be a light source bright enough to cast a shadow from your player yet doesn’t, such forges, furnaces, lamps.

  • Cursor bugs out and does not highlight mobs on mouseover, requiring the use of the shift key or an alternate skill to attack a mob with a single target skills. EXTREMELY frustrating as it happens atleast once a minute (online play, sentinel class, rive skill bound from R to attack move on lmb)

Thanks for your time and good luck with the wonderful game :slightly_smiling_face:

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  1. Agree completely, we need more gfx options. Once I get to the desert I have to change so many options via Adrenaline just to prevent old man eye strain.

  2. Meh, shadow fidelity isn’t important to me, but I understand the sentiment. I have full faith that the game will at the very least look the part at launch. 2 years ago we were playing with claymation looking models with little to no work done in that area. The team has come SOOOO FAR in that department.

  3. I have not encountered this personally, are you positive everything looks ok in the settings? I cant remember the box that needed to be unchecked, but there was 1 option that was causing many people grief. Wish I had access to my pc just to confirm my settings to yours, it had to do with melee attacks to enemies that are far away. Probably has nothing to do with your particular issue, but worth taking a look at.

This happens to me all the time as well. Lots of times I can’t check enemies health bars because the game won’t display them. It constantly disables the health bars above enemies/minions as well. This is even worse on minion builds, since I can hover the enemies but all I see is minion health bars.
That being said, it’s one of the things I’m hoping is fixed with 1.0.

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Interesting, have you discovered a trigger for this bug or it is just right there in your face? I have not played a pet or melee build since probably June of last year, great to know!

At some point it seemed to happen constantly if I went to the character screen and back to the game. Don’t know if it still does.

Lighting is something that’s been a problem for a while now. But you’ll be happy to know, there are some big changes coming in less than 3 weeks. Scroll down to the section in this VISUAL IMPROVENTS.


Ive been out of the loop since last September, thanks for linking that, great read!


I will make sure to roll a pet build and look out for it, from your first reply it sounds like a deal breaker depending on build.

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Honestly, it didn’t really bother me too much. It’s just that when fighting bosses I had a hard time figuring out his current health. Either because it was constantly showing the minion health bars or because it wasn’t showing the ones above the enemy (as opposed to the one at the top).
I’ve also had an issue, caused by said going to character screen and back, where minion health bars also disappeared and I would have to close the game and reopen it.

But, as I said, I expect that these issues will be fixed by 1.0 or shortly after.

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