Crafting/Fracturing Mechanic

The crafting / fracturing from my side is overturned, complex does not mean fun (just grinding)
I would appreciate a crafting to upgrade your gear quality with a certain affix limited by the items quality and lvl.
I have too many shards stacking so with a system of upgrade you divide the shard drop and make them rare (maybe some runeword like in D2 to have unique ^^)

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Overall i agree with you.

But for this specific sentence, I’m sorry i totally disagree with you. Pointing flaws in the current system should be enough to emulate collectively possible answers or improvements.

For example; a totally legitimate feedback could be “I strongly dislike the current crafting system, because it generates a lot of frustration to see item in which i sank hours of gameplay become totally useless after a fracture.”

I think just pointing what’s wrong might be as valuable as chosing a specific direction for the system. It lets a lot of possible option being conceivable. I might also add that, not being a specialist in term of game mechanics, it let the people that knows (devs or highly qualified community members) being able to think of possible solutions while taking into account the current limitations of the system.

I think it’s there already. We farm gold. Instead of gambling and buying runes with it, in a very near future you’ll be able to buy the item of your dream to other people. Trading is the long term solution for a player that seeks a steady progress like you do.

TLDR : In my humble opinion, every form of feedback is welcome, as long as it’s polite and constructive. It doesn’t need to provide alternatives.

PS : Sorry for weird english.

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Sorry but it’s a bad analogy because we’re not making decisions which are instrumental to our well-being in real life - we’re playing a game which is supposed to stimulate our senses & emotions.

While in theory I understand that it’s rational to want guaranteed success, it’s not what most players truly seek from a game. The unpredictability and explosive events is what makes it fun for almost everyone.

Doesn’t have to be because there are statistical probabilities for each event and scenario.
You’d be happy with a system where you might have to collect 14,281,868,906,496 (14 trillion) El Runes while getting no other rune types and transmute them for your Zod Rune. It’s improbable but it’s not guaranteed to not happen!
Same way it’s irrational to worry than you’ll never get your T5 item - you will; with enough tries!
I would also make a brave assumption that you’d be happier to have 0.0000001% odds of chance in getting a Zod rune through a random drop rather than forced to collect 14,281,868,906,496 (14 trillion) El runes for it.

There’s nothing wrong in not having guaranteed success - there’s an element of luck in every and any popular game - be it in real life or the virtual realm.

It’s really not because you’re making claims about “good gear” and for someone this rare item might be their “good gear”.

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You’re right and I should’ve been more clear in what I meant earlier to have a more productive conversation.

I couldn’t read out a clear message from @sinobu’s posts other than that there’s a wish for an improvement so I was trying to present questions without strictly referencing to the game to first be able to break down the logic of the statements while eventually hoping to reach the question of "What part is it that you think needs fixing and why is it worse than the current version?

Your English is excellent (:

Due all respect, you don’t see how it’s better doesn’t mean it’s not.

Sure, statistically speaking, you can get your T5 after enough try, even with 1% success. But again, we, or at least me and, I believe, a lot of people, play with emotion. How long, how many fail try, how many dmg fracture before mental fatigue kick in? How many people will just quit the game thinking “well, my luck won’t allow me to push further”?

By implement a collective system ALONG with the current system, we helping a lot of people mentality with “well, at least I will still get it if i’m put in enough hard work” and keep them from quitting the game.

Also, the joy of collecting and hoarding eventually making sth bigger is always there in any success game like D2 or PoE. What’s the downside of getting that so the game appeal to more people? Is that the goal of all devs? At least helping this game appeal to more players because as for now, by looking at the forum, I don’t see a big player-base.

Also, due all respect, I try to explain myself, answer your questions but you don’t seem to do the same. I would like to understand your philosophy in that.

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I think the concept of the crafting system is great. The execution needs some work. I’m fine with not having perfect items, I’ve replaced my current gear on a level 95 character hundreds of times and slowly made it better and better. I still have room for improvement, especially with exalted items now in the game. But there’s a lot of ways the crafting system could be revised.

My main issue right now is that there is absolutely no reason not to use glyph of the guardian unless fracture chance is low enough to use glyph of stability. When you use glyph of the guardian on 99.9% of crafts, why even have it in the game except to limit how often you can craft? The risk is too high without it and it doesn’t take long to get more, so it’s not even limiting your crafting. Glyphs are practically a non-system right now because of this.

Runes also don’t need to add instability I would say. Refinement running the risk of a fracture is fine but it doesn’t need to also increase the chances of fracturing. Removal already runs the risk of getting rid of the affixes you want to keep, no need to add instability on top of that. Cleansing, I have no idea why it doesn’t just put instability to 0 instead of 5-15 but whatever.

Damaging fractures also don’t make much sense with how they pretty much always make an item with low or removed affixes by the time you can actually have a damaging fracture occur. Have you ever kept or even used a damaged item? It’d be more interesting if it just removed 1-2 mods entirely, you could luck out and have it remove the ones you didn’t need anyway, rather than affecting all affixes and always making a wet noodle out of your item.

I think a lot of current issues people have with crafting could be solved by revamping glyphs into a real system. First off, remove glyph of the guardian and just make its effect the default. Then, have glyphs be a tradeoff, not purely beneficial, but much more useful. That way you won’t always want to use one unless for a specific situation, there shouldn’t be a glyph that is just the default you always use.

I’ll list out some ideas, alongside the current glyphs, and an explanation for each. I realise none of these interact with runes, I think needing that to be the case limits what glyphs can do, you’d never use a rune without guardian anyway. There’s one at the end specifically for runes.

  • Glyph of the Guardian - Removed, effects made default. Because it’s all you’d ever use anyway.
  • Glyph of Stability - Upgrades fracture chances to pre-guardian level, same as now. Instability reduction 40-60% instead of 0-60%. You run enough risks crafting that a glyph potentially doing nothing is kind of insulting. This would be your choice when you want to take the chance of minor fractures while crafting but benefit from it later.
  • Glyph of Grounding - Removes minor fracture chance entirely, increases instability added by 40-60%. Means you can easily and safely add mods on an item to create something usable, it’s only past 25 instability you risk a fracture. This would be the way to have a guaranteed way to craft something, you just pay for it later.
  • Glyph of Finality - Guarantees the craft is successful, minor fractures the item. Another way to have a guaranteed craft, working even at high instability, but you can only do it once on an item and then the item is done. Could be a rare drop.
  • Glyph of Exception - Adds a chance of adding 2 levels of the affix shard equal to the total fracture chance, upgrades minor fracture chance into damaging. A counter to the finality glyph. You’d want to use this to potentially create a T6 but it greatly increases the risk you take; T7 can remain drop-only. Wouldn’t be of much use early on due to its benefit only kicking in at higher instability.
  • Glyph of Runeforging - Removes minor fracture chance when using runes but causes runes to add 2 instability. Under the assumption of previous suggestion of making runes not add instability, you still risk a lot using a rune; this mitigates that risk temporarily while still having runes interact with instability.

Also, one more idea for a potential rune that kinda breaks the rules but I think would be a good way to give players something to do with their fractured items. Call it “rune of revival”, it’d un-fracture an item but set the item to ‘unstable’, upgrading all future minor/damaging fracture chances on the item to be destructive. So if you get a fracture and have no use for the item in that state you can risk it all for another chance to make it good, instead of just vendoring the item or having it rot in your stash. Assuming the above glyphs existed, ‘unstable’ would disable using the finality glyph.

Oh and I’d love for some way to reroll the implicit stats on an item, that could be a rune too. Not sure why it isn’t already actually, seems too obvious to not intentionally be missing.

This all of course doesn’t add complete and totally safe high tier crafting like some here are asking for. I’m not really sure something like that would work too well for the game but there is space for a system like it. A way to very slowly improve an item without taking a gamble. Perhaps not in a way that interacts with the affix shard system, but rather gated by progress? Like the monolith blessings.

Maybe give the choice, instead of a monolith blessing, of a rune that upgrades a random affix by one tier with no fracture chance and only lvl100 monoliths give ones that can upgrade to t5. It’d be the safe and pretty slow way to get yourself all-t5 items, it’d just mean playing a lot of the endgame. Can see why something like that shouldn’t exist, but a lot of people here show why something like it should exist too.

I’m just not sure paying a lot of affix shards for a guaranteed craft is the way to go, as that means the drop rates of the affix shards themselves are then the only thing stopping you from getting a perfect item, which is just as RNG. Who in their right mind would risk fracturing something when you could do it guaranteed? Even if it cost hundreds of shards, it’d be in your head “I’ll just hold out until I have that many shards instead”, meaning you won’t even try gambling to make an upgrade as that costs the same shards you’re hoarding. Instead of the current system of infrequent but usually satisfying upgrades you’d be using the same gear for potentially 100s of hours farming and shattering to someday improve your gear just a tiny bit. In theory it’s better for the player, but it doesn’t make for as much fun.


I’m going to leave this copy paste here, even though I just put a bug report on the forums. It’s on the same topic:

I really, really fucking hate crafting in this game. I want to love it. On paper it’s a fantastic idea, and it’s beautifully customizable , moreso than any other arpg out there. . .but I’m so fucking tired of what I’m trying to craft shattering consistently above 80%. I just had a simple pair of Engraved Gloves fracture, I used a Rune of Cleansing with a Glyph of Stability, to wipe them clean. They had 2 instability. 98% success rate. They fractured ON THE FIRST ATTEMPT. They’re fucking fractured AND grey. WTF

I understand the need to keep 4 T5 stats from being too common. I don’t want items to not break. What I want is for the fractures to be the exception and not the norm. Last night I had two 20% gold rings fracture on the second attempt.
One thing I hate in a game, is completely wasting my time. Instant fractures are a way of saying, “Fuck you. We don’t respect the players’ time or money.” It takes time to collect useable bases. Decent bases. Then on one crafting session for a new character, they all get wiped out due to constant fractures. It’s not fun. It’s not good. It’s a waste of my time. Now, I have to waste money, that took time to get, and gamble mediocre bases, just so i have a temporary placeholder, until I can find something good, and make another shitty attempt at crafting. Not fun.

This crafting system NEEDS to be tweaked. A lot. It’s current state is unacceptable. Especially for those of us with horrible game RNG. I’m submitting this as a bug report, because it should be, even though it’s more feedback.

There’s so much great material in this game, and it’s so polished compared to other games that have been “fully released”. But the crafting system is abysmal.

This. Just why that high amount of destruction on a item that also gets punished trough locking it. In most cases it will be more then useless. Finding an item that is somewhat desirable is already hard enough. No reason to totally destroy it.

Dear DEV.

I think the Summoner Wars craft system is interesting and should be adapted into this game. As the aim of the players is to craft the desired prefixes and suffixes. Which is now very difficult and causes the players to become bored and angry.

I have some suggestions.

  1. Try the increasing difficulty by lowering the tier, but not fracturing it.

  2. It may add materials to be used and increase the money that has to be paid when things go wrong.

  3. New scrolls have been added to help craft better, as now it’s almost impossible to build all four T5s.

However, I know that DEV is aware of the issue and thinking about adding more parts to it. I fully support you and wait for the day to come.

Yes but the fundamental design is you could change at least one roll to another roll over and over making an item go from decent to ‘best rolls possible’ or at least giving that item a lot of use

I use the rune of Removal a lot in LE, I gamble on 2/3/4 affix reguarly and some of my better items came from the Rune of Removal use - I think EHG need to remove instability from the rune of Removal as if you do succeed in removing 1 affix or even 2 the item will have so much instability you probably cannot finish it - finish being above tri T3 without fracture

Ive crafted a tonne since ive owned this game, I come from PoE and I craft my gear there occasionally so I found LEs crafting system incredibly intuitive and easy to understand - I think Rune of Cleansing/Refinement need to be changed as they have no real practical use. I would never Divine orb my items in PoE if they could break…jesus

They should be changed to something else that allows you to roll that suffix/prefix to another, instead of it adding instability just allow the item 3 tries or something and if you dont get it after 3 times you cannot try again, this still fits into their principle of ‘ruining’ items without it screwing with your instability

Another system EHG could do is allow dropped items from monsters to actually have some kind of stability bonus buff. Making looted items simply stronger to craft with than the gambler

Every item i have equipped across every character is fractured but ive only ever had 2-3 destructive fractures ever. Ive had many many good bases (4xT2-T3) and they have fractured on the second roll and its pretty annoying yeah

I like this idea, maybe give them -5-10 instability so you get at least 1 or two crafts before you start getting instability.

I also think that the run of removal works in a similar way to shattering, each tier of an affix increases the chance of that affix being chosen over a lower tier affix (like how a t5 affix can give you up to 5 shards).

I use it all the time and havent noticed that. If I get an item with T5 rare roll and T1 Armor for example, ill use the rune of removal and it seems 50% to me, the main reason is I mainly use Removals on high affixes paired with garbage, ive failed plenty but it seems about even to me

Plenty of fractures at 90% though

I logged in to check something and noticed I have 16424 shards

I wonder about my stash now. Will check when I get home! That seems like a shit ton of shards, but it might just be my perception. Impressive none the less (to me.)

I seen in a boardman21 video he had over 4million gold, which is nearly 3x what I have, so im sure he probably has loads more

I’d vote up this idea too… Would be great it there were drops more suited to crafting either through a negative instability or special added “stability affix” on top of the usual ones…

FYI, Mike’s done some tests & it’s looking like the fractures are happening correctly.

Something like chrono item would be cool to be in game , lose instability over time

I do believe there was a gold glitch/bug/whatever you want to label it that people used back in the day to get rich. Don’t use their gold as a judgement of their playtime/etc. Just an open fyi. :slight_smile:

Or they play lots of high level monoliths & arena back in the day. I’ve got 1.2m & don’t have anywhere near the play time that Boardman et al have & most of that came with a few pushes of the area on my Shield Throw Forge Guard.

Yea, my Void Knight a year ago required 1,0,0,00,00.00 gold to respec which I managed to farm relatively fast unless my memory is playing tricks on me.