Crafting Changes coming to Eternal Legends Update (0.8.4)

Okay the glyph of despair is really sick. Can we have an estimation on how rare it is ? Can we use it on a T5 affix ?

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The outcome display shows the outcome of the previous craft. In the case of the screenshot the craft had a random cost of 1 to 20 forging potential, and ended up costing 2.


You can only use it when upgrading an affix, and a T5 affix cannot be upgraded, so the highest tier of affix you can seal is T4.


So we basically get 1 shot for every T4 affix we got on an item (assuming we have plenty of those glyphs lying around). Between that and the randomness of forging potential costs, crafters will have plenty to do ! Thanks for the quick response.
Can’t wait to see how legendaries relate to all that.

It seems that you kept the global feeling of the crafting. I’m just not sure what the glyph of order do. Is it fixing an affix in order to use a glyph of chaos for example ?

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This is probably the best update I’ve ever seen from you guys, I’ve never felt more heard by a dev team than this right here. So many different instances of “This made the players feel bad/have a bad experience, so we changed it” so refreshing in the current industry right now. Keep up the excellent work guys and gals.


Normally when you upgrade an affix the roll within the tier is randomised. So if you have a helmet with a T3 health it’ll give somewhere between 26 to 40 health, and when you upgrade it to T4 it’ll give somewhere between 41 to 55 health. Normally the value it had within in the range at T3, whether it was at the top, bottom, or middle, has no effect on the value it will have within the range at T4.

The glyph of order changes that so that its position within the range stays the same, i.e. if it gave 40 health at T3 it’ll give 55 health at T4. This can be used to ensure that you get good rolls on your T5 affixes.


I did not understand the Glyph of Order.
All the rest is brilliant, really! I was a bit scared of this change, I’m totally comfortable now.

Edit: OK, I understand Glyph of Order. It’s even more brilliant!

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Will a critical success still provide the random +1 affix tier along with the statement above?

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Slightly bummed we won’t see t5 sealed item bc that is where you get +2 for skills.

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Yes, the full effect of a critical success is now:

  • +1 tier to a random affix
  • costs no forging potential
  • shard and glyph are not consumed

:sunglasses: i am shocked

I think it’s a decent way to give us +skill affixes without having to sacrifice too much damage. A +1 skill affix that doesn’t take up a slot is really nice for bumping your support / non-main skills.

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Travellers, i feel grateful of take the choice of trying Last Epoch. I’m not an expert, but this looks great. Sorry my english.

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Wow I cant wait to chase those runes and ro make some grest items with it. Changes Look awesome.

*grab bag?

No idea what you’re talking about :eyes:

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I really like this update. Crafting was very good before, but you made it even better by replacing all bad rngs with good rngs.

Very promising changes! Great!

Just in case:
Deutsche Übersetzung des Dev-Blogs gibt es unter


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Perception of Luck: The RNG of the system functioned in a way that resulted in players generally feeling unlucky when crafting.

So one thing I noticed was that the forge cost in the last example goes from 1 to 20. Is that the kind of range we should expect from crafting?

On an item with 30 forge points, you could bust at only 2 crafts, or you could get a lucky spree and end up with a dozen crafts before you run out.

Imo large ranges like these (1 - 20) often feel bad. I’d rather have a smaller range, even at the cost of a higher average (e.g. 10 - 15), so that I can have a better idea of how many crafts I can fit into an item.

I’m sure y’all have already balanced things out, and with the addition of that super cool Glyph of Despair, player power will be up anyway. Just wanted to give my two cents.

Looking forward to the update!


There is 1 person here who more excited than the rest <3 great job EHG