(commanding, urgent, critical and severe!) Greatly, feedback, advice, suggestions and commands for LAST EPOCH online (online to offline), superbly

Path of Exile has a score of 8.8 on IGN, so pretty much on par with D4. LE has a lot more in common with LE than it does with D4, especially because D4 is more targetted for the casual player, rather than a more hardcore one.
So why should LE try to follow D4 and not PoE?

Because DIABLO IV got better review score, better competitive score and more money. C’mon, it is just the option. Everyone convinces creators, developers everyone working there to have updated the option to LAST EPOCH online, urgently.

On Steam, LE has a 77% rating, while D4 has 71%. PoE has 89% and PoE2 has 81%.
So the players, which are much more important than a gaming site that is oftently biased (I don’t want to say paid to give a positive review), overall think that D4 is the worst of the 4.

Also, in terms of longevity, PoE is the longest running most successful game in the genre. D3 didn’t last as long, even though it sold more initially. D4 likely won’t either.

Lastly, there is one important thing to note: games have target audiences. D4 targets casuals, PoE targets hardcore ones, LE tries to be somewhere in the middle, but closer to PoE.
Your change is targetted for casuals. It doesn’t fit in this game. If you put that option in this game, many people will leave.

Because, and this might be a surprise to you, not everyone likes D4. There are many PoE and LE players that don’t like D4 and don’t play it at all. And any attempt to make LE into D4 will make those people leave.
At the same time, making LE into D4 will not bring more people, because you already have D4. Why would you play a game that is trying to be D4 when you already have D4?


Yes, in Last Epoch it’s free.

Diablo 4 has no mastery classes.

That’s objectively false. Only game journals provided a higher score for D4 then LE.

Steam user reviews for both games:

71% D4
77% Last Epoch

Google reviews:

4.3 Last Epoch
2.1 D4

This is a non-existent metric.

Playercount /= success
Otherwise Candy Crush is a better game then D4. Go and play it :slight_smile:

What’s ‘more things’? Which things? More loot? More classes? More skills? More mechanics? More bosses? More enemies?

Be a bit specific. Last Epoch has more bosses, more classes, a higher variety of skills actually and hence a bigger build variety overall, which is the core complexity for a H&S game.
It has less affixes on an item, a higher ability to craft and adjust items on the other hand. And tons of other differences.

So you’re saying we should make Diablo 4 more like Minecraft and it would do better then? :stuck_out_tongue:

IGN is the sewage of games journalism. Just mentioning it on the side here. I recommend looking at user scores, not journalism scores. Game journals are utterly worthless as they’re between a rock and a hard place. They don’t get early review options without having positive opinions about the publishers they review, hence unless users they can’t be impoartial since if they can’t review they can’t keep open.

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Just as a follow up to this, Metacritic, which aggregates reviews from all over the net, gives:
-D4: a critic score of 86 based on 90 critic reviews and 2.5 out of 10 thousand player reviews.
-LE: critic score of 80 (34 reviews) and player score of 6.0 out of 230.
-PoE: critic score of 86 based on 27 reviews and 7.8 out of 2.5k player reviews.

D4 has the worse disparity between critic score and player score. And it wasn’t just a couple users. 10k players reviewed D4 at 2.3.

So yes, D4 did make the most money (even though, proportionately, maybe not, as has been pointed out). But do they still make more money NOW? Do they still have all those millions of players? How many have they lost since the start? How many are playing today? We don’t really know because Blizzard doesn’t release those numbers except when it’s convenient to them. So by not releasing them now, we can assume it’s not convenient.

So, overall, D4 really is no example to be following.

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DIABLO IV was not being sold only on Steam. Most people have been believing IGN.

You were all wrong. You might not have played DIABLO IV. Most people have been trusting IGN. You can not be trusted. The mentioned option is a must-have. You could take my final judgement. LAST EPOCH is needing a class can have tried every skill of the class. In DIABLO IV, you can have tried every active and passive skill of a selected class you choosed

DIABLO franchise is still superbest. Assuredly, everyone working on LAST EPOCH has to have added the option, urgently. Whoever is prevent the option, you are still devastating LAST EPOCH in eternal term.

Look. You obviously love D4. So go play it. D4 already does what you want it to do. Why are you trying to turn LE into another D4?

If D4 is really “still superbest”, you would never stop playing it and you wouldn’t be here trying to make LE into a different game.

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I have been being here to give feedback, advice, suggestion and/or commandment for greater LAST EPOCH.

But why? D4 is the superbest. Why do you even stop playing it ever? Why do you care about LE at all?

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I liked many video games in the world. Of course, I liked LAST EPOCH and DIABLO IV. What I did like of LAST EPOCH is in my post already, and what I did not like of DIABLO IV is tiny shared item slots. If I had to compare them and gave an award, yes, DIABLO IV were the winner, certainly. I liked competition because it pushed video game industry forward.

Well, so I guess we’re back at what I said at the start. Your arguments are always just “Trust me bro” and there is no moving on from that. So I’ll take my own advice and stop engaging in this rather pointless discussion.

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I hoped EHG and them took it already, though. You are not working there, right?

Why should they??? U had a developer reply to u and tell u. The way ur making ur agreements isnt going to convince them.

Mike even told u how ur doing it will more than likely make him not do it at all.

Go back and read what he said. He gave u a template on how to properly convince them and make ur arguments for it.

The way ur presenting ur arguments i too wouldnt do it either

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I hate the idea of endless mastery respecs in this game. I’d be OK with one, and only one, free mastery respec per char for LE seasonal chars. This is for people that feel they really picked the wrong mastery. But it obviously has to be for a different mastery of that same class.

Legacy characters could get a free respec per char every time a new season arrives, but you can’t hold more than one free respec at a time per char. I’m not sure how much this would be in demand but bi updates sometimes come with big nerfs and maybe some people on legacy want to swap it up and don’t want to start over.

I would support an armory system that lets you maintain two or three variations of the same mastery that doesn’t reduce the level of the skills you had for that iteration in the armory when swapping. I like the idea of having different versions of a mastery for different content. I’d label this as a VERY low priority though. This, in my opinion, would be far more in line with what D3/D4 do than free mastery respecs.


Hahahah this made me lol @DJSamhein
This novel just keeps getting better XD


Sometimes, in a public forum, you don’t reply to the OP just with the intent of having a fruitful discussion with the OP, but to make your opinion known to the community more in general.

So, even replying to a bot is useful, as lots of people will read it and take something away from it.


This topic, the way it was presented from the start and it not bearing any fruit is pointless. The OP is advice resistent to the max and the whole things feels more like a troll then anything else.
Can anyone close this topic for the greater good because I guess it don’t take long untill it derails and people make remarks that are not nice in the near future. This whole thing is complete pointless and there is no need to have discussion with someone who isn’t listening to other people, educated guesses and evidence that takes their arguments appart.

This whole debate has almost 0 merits.


Of course I do, but you ignoring my answer doesn’t make it any less valid an argument. Just like you repeating beliefs and hopes doesn’t make them facts or real outside of your own skull/cpu (delete as appropriate).

Yup, so do random posters on the Internet.

Many people believe the earth is flat or 6,000 years old. That’s not a valid argument.