I hate the idea of endless mastery respecs in this game. I’d be OK with one, and only one, free mastery respec per char for LE seasonal chars. This is for people that feel they really picked the wrong mastery. But it obviously has to be for a different mastery of that same class.
Legacy characters could get a free respec per char every time a new season arrives, but you can’t hold more than one free respec at a time per char. I’m not sure how much this would be in demand but bi updates sometimes come with big nerfs and maybe some people on legacy want to swap it up and don’t want to start over.
I would support an armory system that lets you maintain two or three variations of the same mastery that doesn’t reduce the level of the skills you had for that iteration in the armory when swapping. I like the idea of having different versions of a mastery for different content. I’d label this as a VERY low priority though. This, in my opinion, would be far more in line with what D3/D4 do than free mastery respecs.
Sometimes, in a public forum, you don’t reply to the OP just with the intent of having a fruitful discussion with the OP, but to make your opinion known to the community more in general.
So, even replying to a bot is useful, as lots of people will read it and take something away from it.
This topic, the way it was presented from the start and it not bearing any fruit is pointless. The OP is advice resistent to the max and the whole things feels more like a troll then anything else.
Can anyone close this topic for the greater good because I guess it don’t take long untill it derails and people make remarks that are not nice in the near future. This whole thing is complete pointless and there is no need to have discussion with someone who isn’t listening to other people, educated guesses and evidence that takes their arguments appart.
Of course I do, but you ignoring my answer doesn’t make it any less valid an argument. Just like you repeating beliefs and hopes doesn’t make them facts or real outside of your own skull/cpu (delete as appropriate).
Yup, so do random posters on the Internet.
Many people believe the earth is flat or 6,000 years old. That’s not a valid argument.
C’mon, did you believe everything you saw? They might be working on it, secretly. You would never know them all. You should not believe everything you saw. However, the game is bad because of no the option. No the option is making the game bad.
Whatever. LAST EPOCH is bad because of no the option. If they believed you the game would not go forward. The option is vital for LAST EPOCH. I think they are working on it, secretly.
Seriously, if you are being anti the option, you are wanting LAST EPOCH to die. Sometimes, EHG and team made mistake(s), fact. If I was working there, LAST EPOCH would have had the option, already.
While we understand and welcome passion from our players, we would also remind them of our Code of Conduct, which can be found here - https://lastepoch.com/code-of-conduct. Please follow the rules of our Forums or we may be required to take Moderation actions.
I can’t accept your personal “fact and truth” becasue your personal “fact and truth” is without any reason against objective fact and truth.
It’s a good start because most people don’t go through the troubble again when they have been shown they were wrong… obviously.
Sources? Proof? There was one game I was banned from (unrightfully from my point of view) and I erased this game from my mind that i don’t even remember anymore what it was. So only speaking for myself, my personal experiences and the very few cases I encountered in the gamer sphere I’m in what you are telling is again not the universal truth.
No. You accepted the rules of this space that is maintained and moderated by EHG and their rules. Free speech is worth nothing here. You can join online communitys and if they say you are not allowed to use the word “and” and you will be banned for using the word “and” they can do so.
You don’t you are just a random pleb in the internet and not the center of the universe. Get down from your high horse and try to get a grib of reality instead of making shit up as if you are a rather recent politician.
Simply didn’t care. I think it’s nice for new users who pick something they don’t want, and are struggling with what they picked. I’m happy for them, and I support EHG doing this.
But, “new users who pick something they didn’t want”, is an edge-case. It’s a subset of users. You, whatever it is that you are, simply seem unable to recognize that other people exist in this reality. As commanding, urgent, critical and severe this issue might seem to you, it’s not an ‘everybody’ thing. It might not even be a “significant percentage” thing.
Many players had not known editing saved game file in offline mode. Many players did not want to level character again, and many players did not want to find item again. The option would be great for them, because they did not have to levelling and finding again, therefore they could continue character in offline mode, at once.