Chat Trustees

There are various different monsters and effects that cause shred on the player.
Poison is not the only one.

Still shred and penetration are inherently very different, especially with what context I explained to invispoet

I assume that defending against shred/poison is usually not worth it all that much as there are too few sources and the stacks have reduced effects on players.

Unless you are running a build that inflicts itself with that kind of stuff that is.

Would I be correct?

I would say overcapping generally speaking is only for end-game min-maxing.

It does help alot against specific enemies (like Poison enemies, Crystal Golems with their shock etc.)

Also you can take Mark For Death MoF modifier more comfortably, if you have soem overcaps, since that is basically permanently on you, unless you kill everything before it hits you.

Rarely does questions get asked when I play

Usually its just arguing over PoE/Wolcen and other games

Why does everyone need to be babies now? if you decide to risk asking complete strangers in the street how to discipline your kids and then base your decisions on that…its your fault… especially when vital information was available by searching on google… my god wtf

EHG cant step in constantly, then how do they decide who gets this? you answer 5 questions correct in chat and congrats you are now [Trusted] and can then start giving out wrong info?

If EHG could just work on releasing new classes, remove snapshotting and just chat ban toxic shit then maybe this game might be release before 2024

I agree.

Even people who get a “trusted” tag may not give out the correct info all the time. Everyone should just be responsible for discerning who they can trust. There is no need to have the devs be responsible for handholding babies.

If shred were more common then overcapping would matter more.

Totally agree. The whole point of the suggestion was to offer a way to help new players in chat WITHOUT the need for EHG to step in. Some kind of palliative before the new chat system kicks in.
Having read all the answers it was probably a bad suggestion, but hey, that’s always interesting to throw around ideas and see what comes out.

(Sidenote: the game was released 30th April 2019)
Let’s say I ignore the serial numbers, (which are just arbitrary markers, it doesn’t really matter if they want to call it 0.8 or 1.0 or 99.364), and don’t read the forums…
What shows me while I play that the game is unfinished?
2 things:

  • I see 3 classes on the login screen that I cannot access.
  • The story ends abruptly and is obviously not complete.
    Add these two, and you have a full game.
    Everything else, multiplayer, trade, dungeons, favor (?), more enemies, whatever, are nice features, but not NECESSARY, and don’t make the game more or less complete. Some games have them, some don’t, it is fine either way.
    Now, patches come roughly every 3 months. That’s 7 more patches until 2024. 3 classes and 3 chapters to add. The last two patches (well, the last one and the upcoming one) haven’t moved the game one inch towards completion (although they have improved the game greatly).
    So: full game before 2024? Still possible. But rather unlikely at the moment, considering we don’t even talk about these missing bits anymore.

Not a bad idea, no. A good way to start thinking about this topic.
The problem is real, there is a need for a solution. You proposed something, and the forum is here for common thinking. :wink:

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