Character won't stay on ladder

Title, playing SSF HC, do I need to make a new char after patch? I’m using a pre patch character and it will show me on ladder for a couple hours then when I relog I’m back at 0

Yeah got the same issue…
Ladder is drunk af, sometimes when I disappear, I’m in other ladders than mine (i’m in ssf-softcore) before vanishing :smiley:
And the site & ladder in game aren’t the same, don t know how this is even possible x)

Thank you for the report.

If there is anyone else who lost their arena rank 8.2+ please post your name.

We are investigating this internally.

I lost my ladder rank in SC too.

I can confirm that the same thing happened to me. Did an arena run yesterday. I was on the ladder while still in the arena but disappeared after I ended my run.

Character was Weatherman.

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