Character audio / audio clues

So I’m a new player and I’m playing Rogue and I had to mute the audio dialogue in this game because I just can’t handle my character saying “Easy too easy” easy 30 seconds, it’s annoying as hell.

I’m currently doing end game content lv 100 monoliths and only TODAY I learned that Shade of Orobyss had audio clues for his attacks after watching a video.(I turned it off doing the acts)

My suggestion is that either the frequency of the audio from our characters get reduced so we don’t get spammed with the same voice line each 30 seconds or an audio slide/option to mute it.

Still better than hearing the mage scream all the time “fools…FOOLS!” :joy:

I think dialog from your own character and enemies should be seperated, so you can control both of them independently.

Enemies audio clues are way more important then your own, because they are part of the design with alot of the mechanics and telegraphs.

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What are you talking about?? I’m going to demand an option so the Mage does this on every kill!!

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dont you guys miss “Hail to the King Baby…”

now THAT was audio on kills…


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Shake it, Baby!


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I’m pretty sure we put in a tick box in the audio settings so you could suppress these lines without turning off other stuff.

Isnt that only related to no more mana or cooldown?

Yup, woops.


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