Can't change gamepad inputs

Hi all, any time I try to change the gamepad inputs, it’s just showing all the binds as blank until I try binding it again. It won’t actually change the bind but it will show the inputs I currently have.

Also, it seems like I cannot navigate through menus on controller outside the radial menu. I am able to control my character though.

Here is an image of what it looks like.

I had the same issue, then I wondered… are we supposed to change them?

There was a similar bug in the previous patch. Do you use your mouse to change the controller settings? If so, could you try to use your gamepad to change them the next time (do not use the mouse beforehand)? With a bit of luck, this is a workaround that allows you to adjust your settings.

Yeah I reinstalled and now I’m able to navigate the menus with controller again. Rebinding the inputs caused the error once more but after I tried again it worked just fine.

Thanks for the report, we’re tracking this issue internally.

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