Cannot See Loot

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Randomly stopped seeing labels for loot. I tried many things, going to town, refreshing my filters, removing filters, ‘X’ to remove filter, nothing worked. I saw the beam for the unique so I reset my monolith, went to town. Then I killed the end boss for the empowered mono set, a set item dropped with many other things. Zero labels to click on but I see the set item beam.

I have a screenshot, not sure how to do the log thing. Feel free to email me about it should you wish for more info.

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Same problem
I think its global problem
Need hotfix

Silly Question but have you pressed the key to hide all loot or even hide the entire UI? I believe the hide loot key is ‘Z’ so try pressing that. To turn the UI on and off it’s ‘Delete’

I also experienced this issue, infuriatingly, right after defeating Emperor of Corpses after a half-dozen attempts.

I could see all the beams from the items on the ground, but I could not get the tags to show up so that I could pick them up.

Pressing the Loot Filter toggle displayed the “Enabled” and “Disabled” in the chat, but it did not display the item tags.

I also tried swapping my Loot Filter to No Filter and also back to the one I had, but, again, none of these actions resulted in the item tags appearing.

I dropped a helmet I had in my backpack and sure enough it dropped to the ground with no tag, just the beam.

Restarting the game seems to have restored the item tags and Loot Filter toggle…but I basically lost all the uniques (including a bunch of Prophecy uniques) in the process. :angry: :disappointed_relieved:

see this:

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Thanks for the link.

Having read some of the thread, I think I may know what the issue is / was: it’s the “Toggle tooltips for items on ground” setting, which in my keybinds is bound to “i”.

Unlike the “Loot filter toggle”, this one is an actual toggle. It’s entirely possible I hit the keybind at some point by accident during the boss fight (though still not sure how, since none of my gameplay keybinds are anywhere near that side of the keyboard) and, the combination of forgetting about that keybind and the buggines / jankiness of the Emperor of Corpses fight, along with the fact it was 4:30 AM, I assumed it was yet another stupid bug. :neutral_face:

I’ve unbound the key now, since the loot filter “toggle” effectively replaces it’s functionality.

(Meanwhile, tangentially: it would be nice if there was an option to choose loot filter “toggle” to be an actual toggle or a hold.)

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