Cannot enter game in offline mode

After today’s patch I cannot enter games in offline mode with my cycle character. Anyone else with the same issue?

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Yup, they bricked full offline Cycle play, even creating a new char won’t let you past the loading screen. Big oopsie :smiley: (Legacy is still playable).

I have the same problem. WTF? I only play offline because of network connectivity issues, and I only want to do solo play anyway. Hope they fix this soon…Guess I have to find a new game

I only play offline now because online, I only get 10/11 FPS. Been like this for months, ive accepted offline as i can play normally. After todays patch, the “FPS Bug” now affects offline as well. submitted numerous bug reports, and get excited whenever i see a patch about it to no avail.

The team was working on the Offline Character Issue late into the night and will be tackling it again as soon as they clock on today - I’m currently reading all of the information they have gathered and gathering information from players as well!

If you are playing in Offline, not True Offline mode, please submit an In Game Bug Report from the Character Select Screen after attempting to load in!


Will the bug fix involves a version change, like

Couldn’t play offline, created an online character, played for a while, left and now can’t connect with the online character. Game is literally unplayable.

Any updates on the offline play? Cant even create new character, only legacy works.

not yet… Only Legacy or a Solo Char found work.

What is the status on this? I’m about to demand a refund for this game from Steam. I’ve tried to be patient, but this is ridiculous.

The team is currently working on a fix for this issue however I have copy pasted a workaround for players who wish to get in to the game;

If you are having issues loading Offline characters please try the following;

  • Verify your Steam Files

  • Assuming you are on Windows, you can go to this area on your PC:

Please make and keep a back up copy of your Save Folder before making any changes. You may also need to disable Steam Cloud Saves for the changes to take effect.

If you do not have a backup Save Folder and proceed to delete or edit the files causing further issues, we will not be able to help as these files are only stored locally on your machine and not on our Servers. You may be able to recover historical Saves from Steam following instructions at the bottom of this post.

IF YOU ARE ABLE TO FIX YOUR SAVE FILES - The team has asked players to NOT make Priority Tabs as this appears to be the cause of the data issue.

C:\Users\%userprofile%\AppData\LocalLow\Eleventh Hour Games\Last Epoch\Saves Note: In order to see the [AppData] folder you must have “Hidden Folders” visible And there you should be able to see all of your save files. These files can be opened on notepad and there you’d be able to see the character name/level/etc. There are backups of each save file with the ending [.bak] extension. If you can find your character in one of those save files you can restore it by simply removing the [.bak] extension [do not delete the entire folder - only the extension]

  • Go to the Saves directory mentioned in the original post C:\Users\%userprofile%\AppData\LocalLow\Eleventh Hour Games\Last Epoch\Saves and sort your files by Date Modified to make identifying the culprits a little easier.

Chances are good that one of your Stash files (e.g. STASH_CYCLE_2_0) or Character files (e.g. 1CHARACTERSLOT_BETA_4) got corrupted. Start by opening the most recently modified files in a text editor (Notepad is fine, Notepad++ is better) until you find the first file with data that is obviously corrupt and looks quite different from the rest of the files. Most likely, if you’re using Notepad, the file contents will appear to be blank, and if you’re using something like Notepad++ with the show all characters option enabled, the file will show something like “NUL NUL NUL NUL NUL NUL NUL NUL NUL NUL…”.

Now that you’ve identified a corrupt file, go ahead and delete it (you’re welcome to make a backup copy first if you like). For whatever that file name was, there will be a corresponding .bak copy - make a copy of the .bak file, and rename it to whatever the name of the corrupt file was, i.e. if your corrupt file was called “STASH_CYCLE_2_0”, you would delete STASH_CYCLE_2_0, then make a copy of STASH_CYCLE_2_0.bak, and rename the copy to “STASH_CYCLE_2_0”.

Run Last Epoch, either in full offline or online mode (just select Offline Mode in-game), and check if you can successfully log in with your existing characters. If not, check for more corrupt files and repeat steps if you find any.

If the backup files are missing, or also corrupt, you can try downloading historical saves from Steam. This requires that you have Steam Cloud Saves enabled for Last Epoch, and that Steam has had the opportunity to upload previous save states. In order to restore from Steam Cloud, you can download the replacement save files at the following URL:


Looks like they have made a update patch on steam but still will not work for me.

The fix may be easier than all of the above. I spent over an hour trying to go through all of the Stash tab files with both Notepad and Notepad++, but I was unable to find a file that looked obviously corrupted.

In the end, the only changes that I made was deleting the original character file, and replacing it with the .bak file, and turned off Steam backup (not sure this part matters). I am now able to login to my offline character and all stash tabs seem to be in tact. To be sure, I exited the game and logged in again with no problem.

Hopefully this has fully solved my problem, and maybe help others also.

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The online is working but the offline is still down, will try Flipperin way

Hi there, have you tried both Offline and True Offline mode?

Both modes are working for me after the latest hotfix. Thanks to you and the team for the quick response!

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