Campaign has too many traverse / filler zones

Hello fellow riftwalkers.

I’m here since EA start back in 2019 and want to give some short feedback in regards of the campaign.

When i first started playing back then , i noticed the campaign was mildy padded with a few filler zones where there is nothing interesting to do.
And i mean literally nothing just walking through. And waypoints i dont consider as zone content.

I did a break of approx. 10 months and came back somewhere last year around lagon update (playing for a round a month) and noticed the campaign grew considerable in length but not depth. With that a mean again lots of padding in campaign with backtracking and plain traversing zones with nothing interesting to do inside them.

I would assume there cant be POIs or quests in every zone to give you some time to breath. But the amount you added with/after chapter 7 introduction it too much to make it an enjoyable experience.

I really hope the new added zones will get some unique quests or zone challenges later on.
If not, rethink what you intend to do with the campaign in regards of progression and side quests and adjust the amount of necessary campaign zones.

My understanding is you inted to make this a league based game with lots of potential for making twinks. But as it stands now the campaign already feels like a slogfeast and is boring because there are lots of zones where you just walk through doing nothing or getting backtracked mutiple times (Ma’jelka)

But regardless keep up the good work EHG.


There are one or two filler zones, but most of htem have a portal or quest in them.

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Game needs a Tabula Rasa type item since now +skills is a thing for faster leveling , say a chest piece that gives +10 all skills on equip

It would work better than Tabula anyway as approx 70 or so you have probably level 19-20 skills so you are capped whereas you can get locked into Tabula for a long time on PoE as nothing better comes up. You would remove the LE +10 item probably after Abomination since you would get Woven Flesh if you didnt have another chest piece to use

Even just +1 to all skills would be pretty OP let alone +10, that would become the only usable chest for all builds, game modes, etc. Wouldn’t you want lvl 30 skills?

It wouldnt break the cap, just +10 to your current skill level…lol

So a new character would start with level 11 skills on learning them and gain XP from that state so you level skills slower with it on purely due to the fact you get a temp +10 bonus but its perfect for leveling only - soon as you remove the item you lose the +10 so you would naturally remove the chest around Lagon/End of Abomination or so

im pretty sure the coding for +1 skills can be modified to not give anything past the 20 cap

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