Bugs and suggestions

1 no idea how shock increases damage
even with 400% shock on hit and with “stormtide” on, the penetration shock offers is bearly noticeable (a friend of mine also came to this conclusion), i am certain it has absolutely NO EFFECT on ignite damage, is this a bug?? how is shock useful??

2 all kinds of penetrations does almost nothing
and i’m not surprised, considering that shock does almost nothing, it seems pointless to have any penetration whatsoever (maybe it works in early game??)

3 with the lich “convert health leech to damage” passive, “health leech on hit” increases damage of all kinds by 25% for every 2.5% health leech (this is written on the character interface), ignite, poison, bleed, wandering spirits, drain life… everything

4 can press on T and open portals during arena fighting, if one missclicked on T and accidently went to town, he can no longer go back into the arena
why not just disable T during arena fighting? or at least do this in softcore, where people r not punished for dying

1 more description of how things work, show us formulas of how damage is calculated, and show us the value of all our modifiers

2 higher arena creep density

3 allow progress saving for arena (can save progress between waves)

4 allow us to choose how many arena waves we want to fight at one time, instead of having to fight one wave at a time
for example, i can choose to fight just 1 wave or 2~15 waves rushing at me at the same time, this can save people a lot of time in the beginning and make the insanely boring meaty creeps like the beetle queen much more tolerable (and challenging to fight i guess…)
allow multiple waves that appear at the same time to be just 4 or 5 bosses with super high stats, this could add a lot of diversity to the arena and give us adrenaline rushs

5 remove from arena weak creeps
although i love killing waste maggots, they r totally harmless, why have last game grinders fight these squishy creeps that do nothing???
meaty beetle queens aren’t threats, they r time wasters, something should be done about that, my idea is to make them very dangerous to fight

6 include powerful creeps in arena
i have seen some powerful interesting creeps in campaign that r not included in arena, why is that?? they r all randomly generated, why not generate the interesting ones? especially bosses!

7 add “increase difficulty” option
i want to be able to make my softcore character a masochist character, instead of having to create a new character and go through the campaign again to get a masochist character
can you guys add some fresh content that “examines” lategame characters so they can change the difficulty at will once they have proven they can handle higher difficulties?
i for one, think that being able to choose different difficulties in the beginning is a really really bad idea, although lots of games does this, i throughly dislike leveling up the same character a second time, do things i have done again, in order to play a harder end-game (which really is all that matters to veterans who got this game all figured out)
almost everyone starts from softcore, many leave after they go through all the softcore content, because they are done with softcore and because they don’t want to go through the same content (that they may not find interesting) one more time in hardcore or some other mode
for example, most of my friends only slashed through sekiro: shadows die twice once, they never bother to play again to get a different ending or to try a harder difficulty, because that is boring!

8 i don’t want a separated online community!
can we not split players by allowing them to click on solo/masochist/hardcore once this game is online?
as you well know, unfortunately, it’s unlikely that we will have a huge online community, i wish this will change in time, but we can’t count on that, so i think it’s important that, at least for now, we keep our online guys together!
i think letting players take “exams” in end-game to gain access to harder difficulties is something that might work
for example, i have level 10 difficulty clearance, but my friend only has level 9 clearance, so i can play level 9 maps with him, but he can’t play level 10 maps with me
and you guys can even add more content for each difficulty level to add playability to this game

Yes, as you’ve just said, the hollow lich node converts leech into global damage. Though there was a bug about it where Ageless Ascetic’s tooltip says it’s general leech, when it’s functioning as leech on hit.

Not a bug, but as you say, it should probably be disabled during combat and have the “do you want to leave & claim your winnings” popup in the intermission.

I’ve been complaining about this since I started here…

I’m not sure about this, arenas already have a significantly higher density than normal already & it increases at higher waves.

Absolutely, I thought that starting at wave 100, you could save every 50 waves from 50 waves behind. So you hit wave 150, you can then restart at wave 100.

Yeah, I like the sound of that.

So you want a massive increase to the number of mobs, but only the champions/hardest mobs? It might be interesting as a separate mode, but not in the “normal” arena.

Also, just because your build doesn’t have any problems with the beetle queens doesn’t mean they’re not massive meat sacks with a dangerous AoE dot attack.

this is a great idea

other people have complained about this, mob density is in general not very high in this game and the maps feel a little “barren”, gaps between mobs r huge, all this makes me feel lonely… and these r the kind of things ARPGs should not have, there should be big mobs for us to slash through!
i guess if i’m allowed to fight multiple waves at the same time, this won’t be much of a issue

what i mean is, if i have to start over if i die, so be it, but if i haven’t died in the arena yet, it would be nice if i can save my progress and continue later, so i can slowly grind to 1000+ over a week or a month, and even be allowed to do other things like monolith runs in between

it’s all about what u prefer, i prefer most people not being able to hit wave 200, becuz the creeps r so dangerous, so hard to kill and they come in so many very very diverse combinations that it is very hard to figure out what to do against them, they r all assassins who just won’t allow u to stack ur ward up to 200k, not guys u can smack around whenever u r sober
regarding the beetles, i don’t believe anyone is complaining about them being badass… they r those creeps that u can smack whenever u r sober, they shoot darts that don’t do much damage, they don’t run fast and charge around like the wagari blabla with an axe, the “dangerous” slam thing can kill u if it lands, but… we can’t get to wave 500 if we allow that to happen, correct?
regarding bad builds that can’t kill beetles… i mean, this is why they r really really bad… correct? u can’t ask for creep nerfs if ur build doesn’t have the capacity to do a ton of damage… that’d be cheating…
the way i see it, there r 3 types of super bad/newbie builds/players in ARPGs
1 can’t survive, get killed all the time, they even suspect high achievers of cheating, in fact, i just ran into one yesterday, the guy doesn’t even know what a glancing blow is
2 no aoe skill, can’t kill mobs, can only kill one creep at a time
3 can kill big mobs with ease and is satisfied with that, complain whenever something meaty shows up, and tries to sidestep content they can’t handle by tampering with game data…

I also don’t see any fun in playing the same game mode for hours and hours without the possibility to leave without loosing progress.

Arena is just not polished yet. It was a quick implementation to give the beta players something to do. If it stays it will definitely be tweaked, I am sure.

For the town portal I have a very easy fix: bind it to another key that is far away from keys you use during combat. So you won’t accidentally press it :nerd_face:

a few more suggestions:
1 plz add a “cheating option”, so we can level up to whatever level we want to instantly, get campaign rewards instantly and have whatever equip we want, this way we can test play more efficiently, if i have to clear objectives to get this tool, i’ll complete them, at least i’ll know when the grinding will end and i can get down to business
plz remove “cheating characters” from the ladder, do whatever u need to do to keep the ladder cheater-free, i just want to see cool content without going through a hassle, and if u guys can add a “cheater ladder” for us cheaters, that would be awesome!

2 add more skills, the spellblade only has 3 melee skills to choose from…

3 better balance! less balance = less diversity!!!
we have different personalities, but we do have universal needs
our character’s diversity should come from different playstyles, not different ability to kill beetle queens, that is absurd, we all need to kill that thing FAST, i see how u guys have lowered it’s health, but that’s not a great idea when the lich has a way to kill it fast, some other characters r too weak, they r helpless!!! that’s the real issue

4 some animation would be awesome!
if we can’t afford cgs, let’s insert some powerpoints, i even enjoyed the ones in the beginning after i built characters

great idea, gonna do this right now

You say that, a friend of mine bought Grim Dawn, edited himself a max lvl character with whatever gear he wanted & got bored of it within a few hours & hasn’t played it since.

I think for testing, not having to relevel skills would make it easier, since you could swap the points out & try different combinations (then put the skill respec back to how it is on release).

While this maybe would make sense for a relatively small group to test the game technically I don’t think it’s a good idea to give dev mode options to everybody.

We are also here to test replayability, character progression and so on. How would you give feedback about drop rates, if the game feels rewarding/boring, quests, level design, the flow and feeling of the game when you don’t play the mode that everybody is supposed to play at release?

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I really don’t like Arena mode (unfun for me) and even with the goal of testing my build, i finish dying thinking about other things, after being bored really early.
It will be great to have a save of your progress to avoid that.

Moreover, i think that a small mode implemented for quick tests of your build (like a training area) could be great (now it takes hours). It could be a place dedicated to that (no rewards at all) with the possibility of choose a level of difficulty. You could enter and go without deadline. Basically practice.

Of course, Mof Remains the loot mode and Arena the XP/Ladder one.

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This would be cool. I am beating the training dummy a lot and try to figure out if my damage and critical and dots change with gear. But this is not very practical.

Twice I tried to raise a post about the suggestion of a tuned version of the training dummy to check your performance (dos, peak damage, crit chances,…). But the topic starves everytime :pleading_face:.

Also we need something to check our defences.

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I’ll dig it up :smiley:

I agree with @victordma about the penetrations and the lack of clarity of some features.
About the density, i think it would be great for some MoF. For me, the arena lacks more of dynamic than other elements.

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the density in MOF could be AWFUL at times…

yes! having a training mode or something where u can tweek things to figure things out would be awesome!!!

this is better then directly editing equip/characters, it’s more contained

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