Bone curse + Illusion of Pain + Cursed Limbs -> OP loop

When you take these 3 nodes in the Bone Curse together you get a very funny interaction.

When a minion attacks a cursed target it will end the curse and trigger Rip Blood. Which counts as a hit from the player, which will now rearm the combo. Essentially every minion hit will trigger Rip Blood.

It gets particularly amusing when the player has Bone Golem and Marrow Drinker node on Rip blood. Whenever the golem gets hit by Rip blood it will trigger bone nova, which will trigger spikes, which will hit the cursed dummy triggering infinite self sustain combo. It you add archers which also trigger rip blood on their own it becomes machine gun which may cause server issues.

Apologize for the poor quality. Waiting for video card prices to drop…

Yup. Don’t forget to add in Spirit Plague with the ward on hit node.

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