[bloodlust swarm] node in swarmblade form not work and [toxic hum] dont work as description

Use locust swarm with 1 locust
damage 211
Use locust swarm with 1 locust and 2 bleed debuff on dummy
bleed debuff removed by swarm strike but damage still 211

also, toxic hum said “locust swarm damage per locust with swarm”, but only 40% damage increased not 40%/per locust, maybe “per locust with swarm” need to be removed ?

The Bloodlust Swarm node only affects enemies with bleed stacks on them, the training dummy isn’t an enemy (which is why totems don’t attack it).

So I try it with enemy and is same…
93 damage with 1 locust and no bleed
93 damage with 1 locust and 3 bleed enemy

I find a hive enemy to waiting it respawn swarm , and do this five times damage always same ,
1 locust with nothing else, and whatever is multi bleed stacks on 1 enemy or multi bleeding enemy , damage always is 64/128

I can confirm that the node doesn’t work, or, at least, is not coherent with the tooltip. A massive 50% more damage ¨PER STACK is both massively unbalanced and very noticeable if it worked like that. It doesn’t. Same for Toxic hum.

We should have a fix for this internally that will be released in a future patch.

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