Black underfoot, no damage

Hey, today I ran monolits and when I jumped into one after a while I started to get black under my feet (under the character), and I stopped doing damage to mobs, but they didn’t do me any damage either, no matter what I did.

There was nothing to do, I tried the portal and returned to the city, but there was still the “blackness” in the city. Even though I started a new monolith, nothing has changed.

It helped to turn the game off and on again.

This is a known issue with Sigils of Hope. Could you provide your skill tree for Sigils of Hope & your passives?

Ah, I didn’t know it was already known. :slight_smile:

And here are Sigils and my passives:

If this happens again please post your player.log so I can scan it for errors.


Edit: Are you using any uniques or anything special gear wise?

And player.log is located in the folder where I have LE installed?

I use Valdyr’s Chalice (relic) and Undisputed (one-handed ax). The rest are rare things.

Thanks. :slight_smile:

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